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  • Innleiðing á Byrjendalæsi : viðhorf og reynsla kennara
  • Desember 2013
  • Byrjendalæsi er samvirk aðferð sem miðar að læsiskennslu og þróuð var í Miðstöð skólaþróunar við Háskólann á Akureyri (MSHA). Aðferðin hefur á undanförnum árum verið innleidd í tæplega helmingi grunnskóla á Íslandi. Samhliða þróun á þessari
    aðferð var sett saman tveggja ára starfsþróunar líkan til að styðja skóla við innleiðinguna. Markmið rannsóknarinnar sem hér er kynnt er að greina reynslu kennara af innleiðingu á Byrjendalæsi samkvæmt líkaninu, kanna viðhorf þeirra í því sambandi og skoða hvaða áhrif þátttaka hefur haft á starfsþroska
    þeirra. Byggt er á úrvinnslu höfunda á mati kennara sem þátt hafa tekið í innleiðingu eftir líkaninu. Ráðgjafar um aðferðina
    við MSHA söfnuðu matsgögnunum. Gögnin sem hér eru greind ná yfir tíma bilið 2009 til 2012 og geyma bæði einstaklingsmat
    og hópmat. Niðurstöður benda til ánægju með aðferðina og starfsþróunarlíkanið sem henni fylgir. Kennarar telja vel haldið utan um innleiðinguna af hálfu MSHA og að það auðveldi þeim að tileinka sér aðferðina. Hins vegar koma fram vísbendingar um óöryggi í hópi kennaranna. Þeir kalla eftir meiri stuðningi við framkvæmd aðferðarinnar í starfi með nemendum. Niðurstöður ættu að gefa kennurum og skólastjórnendum vísbendingar um að hverju þarf að huga betur við innleiðingu
    þróunarverkefna. Þær ættu jafnframt að nýtast leiðtogum, ráðgjöfum og öðrum þeim, sem koma að innleiðingu á Byrjendalæsi,
    við þróun á aðferðinni og frekari rannsóknir.

  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    Beginning Literacy (BL) is a holistic literacy approach for grade 1 and 2 in pri-mary school in Iceland. The approach was originally authored by Rósa Eggerts-dóttir, and then developed further at the Centre of School Development of the University of Akureyri (CSDUA). Since 2006 it has been implemented in approxi-mately 75 out of 170 primary schools in Iceland. The BL approach is different from the traditional literacy approach used in Iceland (the Phonics approach) and requires different teaching styles and methods. A two-year staff development programme was developed simultaneously to strengthen its induction and sup-port the teachers in its adaptation. The staff development programme is based on the five-step school improvement program of American scholars Joyce and Showers, and on the experience and research of Eggertsdóttir, its author. The main emphasis is on introducing the methods and work procedures of the BL approach, followed by purposeful feedback and consultancy. Each school ap-points a BL leader who is also a contact person to the consultant at the CSDUA. That person learns to be a BL leader at the same time as the teachers adapt the program. The leader gets his/her feedback from the CSDUA consultants and guidance on how to guide the teachers through the implementation of the ap-proach. Additionally, the teachers and leaders involved have access to various BL materials developed by its author and the CSDUA. As the approach has been taken up by many schools in a short period of time, it is important to research its application, influence and outcome. The aim of this paper is to investigate how teachers experience taking part in adopting the BL literacy programme and to what extent participating in the staff development pro-gramme has influenced their professional development. It is a part of larger study of both the BL approach and the staff development programme. The paper builds on analyses of both individual and group evaluation data from 415 teach-ers in 54 elementary schools implementing BL. The data were collected by CSD-UA in the end of each implementing year 2009–2012. The individual evaluation consisted partly of open ended questions and partly of closed questions. In the group evaluation teachers answered open ended questions in small groups. A qualitative approach was applied to analyse the data and two main themes emerged from the teachers’ responses, the first related to teachers’ experience of the program itself, its structure and inbuilt support, and the second on how teachers learned to use different methods within the approach, and these meth-ods’ strengths and weaknesses. The teachers’ answers on the first and second years of implementation were kept separate, and it was possible to discern deve-lopment in their work with BL between year one and two. The results highlighted the importance of well-structured implementation programs when teachers are adapting to new teaching approaches. The findings shed light on teachers’ gen-eral satisfaction both with the literacy approach and the staff development pro-gramme. Teachers liked the CSDUA’s programme management. They claimed that the support provided in the programme, such as workshops, material and mentoring, was well structured and helped them to adapt to the literacy ap-proach. On the other hand, their experience of support from their leaders and headmasters differed, and some teachers wished for more support from both parties. It is important to consider how the BL leaders are chosen and how they qualify to become leaders. How the decision to implement BL is made at a school and to what extent participating teachers take part in that decision appear to differ. In general, teachers expressed increased knowledge in literacy teaching and claim-ed that they used more variety of teaching methods than before when teaching literacy. They expressed improved job satisfaction, and the approach seemed to stimulate teamwork. Despite this, many teachers expressed insecurity in adop-ting different methods of the approach at the beginning of implementation. Al-though they expressed and showed more confidence at the end of the second year, the findings raise the question of whether two years is enough time for the approach to become fully integrated into the school. The results should prove useful to teachers, leaders, consultants, policy makers and others involved in the implementation of BL and other innovations. They can be built upon with further research on the implementation of BL and professional development of teachers in general.

Birtist í: 
  • Netla
  • 1670-0244
  • 4.3.2014

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