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  • Titill er á ensku Current psychological status of those seeking services at the Rape Trauma Service during the years 2010-2014
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    Sexual assault has extensive and often long-term psychological consequences. The aim of the current study was to examine the current status of those seeking services at the Rape Trauma Service (RTS) during the year 2010-2014, i.e. depression, anxiety and stress, PTSD symptoms, and perceived social support. The study was a survey study without a comparison group. Information about age, gender, time elapsed from the assault, and abuse severity were obtained retrospectively from medical data. The participants were sexual assault survivors who sought help at the RTS in the years 2010-2014 and answered an online survey about their current status. All participants were Icelandic women and their age ranged from 18-60 years with the average age of 25.8 years. The current PTSD status of those seeking services at RTS was worse than originally expected, with an average of 33.1 on PCL-5. The current depression-, anxiety-, and stress status was however overall within normal range. Unexpectedly, the results revealed that a small group (N=8) that was referred to services at Barnahús had a worse current trauma, anxiety, and stress status than those who received services at RTS and those who did not receive any services. An association was not found between current trauma scores and the predictive variables; background factors, time elapsed from trauma, severity of trauma, and treatment utilization, like originally hypothesized. A negative correlation was found between trauma scores and perceived overall social support (r =.-428), social support from family (r =.-428), friends (r =.-258) and significant others (r =.-336). These findings of the current study emphasize how important it is for resources to be available to survivors immediately after sexual assault and that access to these resources is ensured later. The need of trauma focused treatment and the beneficial effect of social support is highlighted as well.

  • 7.6.2016

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cand.psych.gunnhildur.pdf700.12 kBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna
Appendix 1.pdf775.82 kBOpinnViðaukiPDFSkoða/Opna
Appendix2.pdf230.26 kBOpinnViðaukiPDFSkoða/Opna
forsida_skjal1.pdf745 kBOpinnForsíðaPDFSkoða/Opna