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  • Titill er á ensku Effectiveness of financial support in European Union countries in terms of bioenergy : differences between Germany, Poland and Spain
  • Meistara
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    In light of increasing energy insecurity, in which countries try to obtain their own,
    independent resources, the need for yearly financial support is increasing. Countries
    continue to search for new renewable energy possibilities and successfully implement new,
    not yet well-known technologies. However, these expensive technologies will never be
    able to succeed without support since the market for current renewable energy and
    feedstock prices are still not competitive with the fossil fuel market.
    The aim of this project is to show the possibilities of financial vehicles, which are still in
    the development phase, for European countries. Special attention is given to the bioenergy
    sector, which is considered to have the highest potential to replace primary energy sources.
    The study is based on the examples of three countries: Germany, as a leader of renewable
    energy development not only in Europe but also throughout the world; Spain, which in
    recent years significantly increased its share of renewable resources in final energy
    consumption; and Poland, as a country in transition with high bioenergy potential.
    The study shows the variety of financial possibilities, in form of supports or funds, that
    have recently emerged. However, the problem lies with individual government
    implementation effectiveness. All considered countries showed an increase in installed
    bioenergy capacities, mainly because of benefits provided through financial supports.
    Unfortunately, in most cases the results are not sufficient.
    The problem is that a lack of consistent data concerning subsidies for different fuels across
    EU 271 was an obstacle in reaching more defined conclusions. However, the analysis of the
    chosen countries concluded that feed-in tariffs are far ahead in terms of effectiveness and
    influence on technological development as compared to quota obligations.
    Future studies of this topic will most likely implement new solutions which will lead to a
    more clear understanding of the procedures and will mainly focus on Member States policy
    papers and legislations.
    1 EU

  • Athugasemdir er á ensku RES Master´s Thesis
    Verkefnið er unnið í tengslum við Háskóla Íslands og Háskólann á Akureyri
  • 6.1.2011

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