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Leiðbeinendur 1 til 19 af 19
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
22.6.2016ALICE: Analysis & Learning Iterative Consecutive ExecutionsHelga Ingimundardóttir 1985-
29.1.2021Assessing a data-limited horse mackerel stock using the Gadget modelling frameworkVictor Wendulika Agostinho 1991-
31.5.2023Breytt vörustjórnun hjá BYKO - greining á kostnaðarbreytingum og umhverfisáhrifumBrynhildur Helga Samúelsdóttir 1997-
3.10.2016Brottfall úr námskeiði í stærðfræðigreiningu metið með lifunargreininguHrefna Hjartardóttir 1992-
30.5.2014Competitive Coevolution in Problem Design and Metaheuristical Parameter TuningGuðmundur Einarsson 1988-
9.10.2012Detecting Scallops in Images from an AUVEinar Óli Guðmundsson 1986-
14.4.2015Development and testing of an open learning environment to enhance statistics and mathematics educationAnna Helga Jónsdóttir 1979-
25.1.2022Evaluation of the last grade and attempts in online-learning environmentDuc Hung Bui 1990-
26.8.2019Global Electronic Payment RequestsÁsgeir Þorgeirsson 1962-
6.5.2015Identification of herring populationsLísa Anne Libungan 1977-
3.6.2022Logistics costs in IcelandMandana Emad 1996-
29.5.2020Models and methods to evaluate learning in an online learning environmentÞórarinn Jónmundsson 1990-
25.6.2014Multiple spots with the same probe on tiled RNA expression microarraysSigrún Helga Lund 1982-
14.5.2012Rvb1/Rvb2 interacting proteins in an evolutionary contextHákon Jónsson 1986-
6.5.2015Statistical analysis of trends in data from ecological monitoringErla Sturludóttir 1983-
19.5.2015Statistical models of marine multispecies ecosystemsBjarki Þór Elvarsson 1981-
13.7.2009Temporal and spatial dynamics of hake Merluccius merluccius recruitment in the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean)Bartolino, Valerio
26.8.2015Towards efficient benthic survey design with the use of Autonomous Underwater VehiclesSingh, Warsha, 1978-
16.11.2015The use of natural markings to study the demography and social structure in common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris)Bertulli, Chiara Giulia, 1980-