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21.5.2024 | Cloning a light-inducible Cre (LiCre) for optimization in hESCs | Stefán Pétursson 2002- |
14.6.2021 | Drosophila melanogaster sem tilraunalífvera : þróun leiða til greiningar á sjálfsáti og sjálfsátstengdum próteinum í ávaxtaflugum | Stefanía Reynisdóttir 1983- |
31.5.2019 | Effects of altered gene expression of two AAA+ ATPases on neuromuscular synapses in Drosophila melanogaster | Kristín Gyða Hrafnkels Hlynsdóttir 1996- |
1.10.2021 | Effects of altered Pontin and Reptin expression on protein aggregation and neurodegeneration | Friðrik Björn Kjartansson 1995- |
2.5.2012 | Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human lung epithelial cells | Hulda Rún Jónsdóttir 1987- |
4.6.2020 | Expression patterns and subcellular localization of Pontin and Reptin | Arnar Þór Björgvinsson 1994- |
22.2.2019 | Fínstilling á aðstæðum til að framkalla frumuklóna í hreyfitaugafrumum í Drosophila melanogaster | Arnar Ingi Vilhjálmsson 1995- |
30.5.2023 | Hlutverk Pontin og Reptin í glialfrumum við myndun auga ávaxtaflugu (Drosophila melanogaster) | Theodóra Björk Ægisdóttir 2001- |
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31.5.2019 | Hönnun plasmíða með SLC13A5 stökkbrigðum og bæling Indy í Drosophila melanogaster | Aðalbjörg Egilsdóttir 1996- |
6.6.2017 | Knockdown of pontin and reptin in primary neuronal cell cultures derived from Drosophila melanogaster | Arnar Þór Björgvinsson 1994- |
30.5.2022 | Low frequency variants in CYP2R1 associated with circulating vitamin D levels; the curious case of p.Pro36Leu | Guðrún Diljá Agnarsdóttir 2000- |
31.5.2022 | Maedi-visna virus Vif and PP2A phosphatase regulators | Jón Klausen 2000- |
21.5.2024 | Mapping the Intracellular Distribution of Smoothened in the Primary Cilia | Sólrún S. Jónsdóttir Strandberg 1997- |
31.1.2019 | MicroRNA in the development and craniofacial morphogenesis of polymorphic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) | Grétar Guðmundsson 1993- |
29.1.2019 | Microtubule associations of Pontin and Reptin: Roles in the dendritic arbor of Drosophila sensory neurons | Samantha Jeng 1994- |
28.9.2021 | Myndun stökkbreytingar í ATL2 geni með CRISPR/Cas12a í brjóstakrabbameinsfrumulínunni T47D | Íris Thelma Halldórsdóttir 1997- |
21.6.2013 | Phenotypic analysis of Pontin and Reptin mutations in the embryonic Drosophila nervous system | Heiður Grétarsdóttir 1987- |
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27.5.2016 | Sannprófun miR-199a marksets á ets2 3’UTR í bleikju | Ásrún María Óttarsdóttir 1992- |
9.6.2016 | Studies of craniofacial gene expression during embryonic development in divergent Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) morphs | Ahi, Ehsan Pashay, 1983- |
27.1.2022 | Study of ecological and developmental divergence of Icelandic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) at different scales | Nahal Eskafi 1978- |