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Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 89
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
1.6.2017Accretion Disks: An OverviewBergur Halldórsson 1993-
8.12.2008Að vekja vilja til náms : áhrif myndskeiða á viðhorf til eðlisfræði hjá unglingum í 9. bekk í VestmannaeyjumGísli J. Óskarsson 1949-
10.5.2022Allt er orka, án hennar er ekkert: Um skilgreiningu orkuhugtaksins og kennslu orkuvarðveislu á framhaldsskólastigi.Guðný Halldórsdóttir 1996-
10.2.2014Atmospheric conditions during two weather related aircraft incidents in Iceland and elements of the climatology of windstormsBirta Líf Kristinsdóttir 1984-
12.2.2018Black hole seeds from Self-Interacting Dark Matter halosDagur Sigurður Úlfarsson 1994-
31.5.2019Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton Accretion of Cold and Self-Interacting Dark MatterGunnlaugur Helgi Stefánsson 1996-
31.5.2023Bosonic Fluctuations in Semiclassically Quantized StringsDeepali Singh 1995-
6.2.2018Cl2/O2 Discharge a global (volume averaged) model studyRagnar Dzosua Builong Jónsson 1992-
23.9.2011Coulomb and Spin-Orbit Interaction Effects in a Mesoscopic RingDaday, Csaba, 1987-
3.9.2012Coulomb Effects on the Spin Polarization in Quantum WiresAnton Heiðar Þórólfsson 1986-
18.6.2014Density of interface states at insulator/SiC interfaces.Ingi Freyr Atlason 1980-
4.1.2022Determining the CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor in High-Redshift Damped Lyman-alpha Absorption SystemsOddur Már Oddsson 1994-
31.5.2021Dissecting the progenitors of fast radio bursts through host galaxy observationsBjarki Björgvinsson 1998-
15.12.2014Distribution and motion of hydrogen gas in the Milky Way galaxyArnar Már Viðarsson 1990-
21.5.2024DNA Breathing Dynamics: Stochastic Modelling and Applications of Large Deviation TheoryDagrún Kristín Valsdóttir Tveiten 2001-
23.2.2018Dynamical Corrections to the Transition State Theory for Magnetic SystemsOlga Ástríður Guðnadóttir 1992-
18.6.2012The Earth's Magnetic FieldEdda Lína Gunnarsdóttir 1988-
13.12.2010Effects of shape on the far-infrared absorption of quantum dotsIngibjörg Magnúsdóttir 1974-
28.5.2018Efnaskiptalíkan fyrir hitakæru bakteríuna Thermoanaerobacterium AK17Arnar Kári Sigurðarson Sandholt 1994-
17.5.2024Extragalactic Millimetre Transient Objects in CMB SurveysSólborg Birgisdóttir 1997-
8.11.2012Fabrication and Characterization of Magnetic MicrostructuresArikan, Mustafa-, 1976-
30.9.2015Fast Radio Bursts: An Overview and Follow-Up ObservationsGuðjón Henning Hilmarsson 1988-
27.1.2023Fast Radio Bursts: An overview with a focus on magnetars as potential progenitorsKristjana Björnsdóttir 1998-
1.6.2012Ferromagnetism and the oxygen vacancy in ZnO:(Mn,Co)Einar Baldur Þorsteinsson 1988-
13.12.2010Finite size effects in the far-infrared absorption of a confined 2DEGSigurður Ingi Erlingsson 1972-