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31.1.2009 | Are fairy tales only children's stories? A discussion of the use of fairy tales as a literary genre | Kronborg, Ditte Rysgård, 1985- |
8.5.2018 | A Boy Who Lived, a Lion Who Died, and a Man Who Rose Again. An Exploration of Three Fantastical Stories and the Ties Between Them: J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter, C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia, and the Bible | Dagný Eyþórsdóttir 1993- |
30.4.2018 | Breaking the Bonds of Destiny: On Writing the Fantasy Novella Illusions of Grandeur | Ólafur Páll Einarsson 1983- |
18.5.2020 | Fantasy and Student Motivation: Examination of motivational benefits that fantasy literature provides to EFL education | Jóhann Daníel Jimma 1986- |
21.1.2019 | Fantasy Literature as a Tool for Self-Improvement | Helgi Gunnar Jónasson 1996- |
4.8.2021 | Fjölbreytni í fyrirrúmi : nýting fjölbreyttara lesefnis í bókmenntakennslu á unglingastigi með grunnþætti menntunar að leiðarljósi | Hafdís Helga Bjarnadóttir 1999-; Edda Björk Vatnsdal 1998- |
18.1.2019 | Förin að heiman og leitin. Bækurnar um Blíðfinn eftir Þorvald Þorsteinsson | Stefán Geir Jónsson 1990- |
8.5.2018 | Giving Form to Spectral Ideas: On Writing the Novella The Looming Giant | Sebastían Kristinsson 1992- |
9.5.2019 | Hinir myrku herrar fantasíunnar | Guðrún Pétursdóttir 1989- |
9.1.2020 | Hvers vegna íslensk fantasía? Erlent bókmenntaform þýtt inn í móðurmálið. | Árný Stella Gunnarsdóttir 1991- |
18.6.2024 | Inn í annan heim : gáttir fantasíu í list og tísku | Guðrún Ísafold Hilmarsdóttir 1997- |
7.9.2020 | Íslensk fantasía og ímyndaðir heimar | Oddur Ingi Þórsson Hulduson 1983- |
5.5.2017 | Merging Magic and Machine: On Writing Fixing For Better Days, A Cyberpunk Fantasy | Stock, Greig Michael, 1986- |
19.8.2022 | Nútímavæðing námsefnis í enskukennslu í grunnskólum : notkun fantasíubókmennta | Eva Jóhannsdóttir 1986- |
6.5.2013 | Ormhildur. Myndasöguhandrit | Þórey Mjallhvít H. Ómarsdóttir 1980- |
10.5.2016 | The Sorting Hat Effect: How the Hogwarts Houses Influence Prejudice in Harry Potter | Helga Sædís Jónsdóttir 1994- |
10.4.2018 | The Strange Case of Mrs. Darling's Kiss: Why Peter and Wendy Needs a New Icelandic Translation | Þorgerður Anna Gunnarsdóttir 1994- |
11.5.2018 | There Won't Be A Shire, Pippin: Merry and Pippin, the overlooked heroes of The Lord of the Rings | Helga Björg Arnarsdóttir 1980- |
15.5.2020 | Vináttan sem skapaði heima. Áhrif vináttu J.R.R. Tolkien og C.S. Lewis á líf þeirra og skrif | Lilja Rut Jónsdóttir 1991- |
7.5.2019 | Women in the Hands of Men: An Analysis of Female Characters from The Dresden File and A Song of Ice and Fire | Steinunn Marta Þórólfsdóttir 1982- |
22.1.2018 | „Karlmannlega“ kvenhetjan: Birtingarmynd, einkenni og stefna „sterku“ kvenhetjunnar í fantasíu- og vísindaskáldskap. | Rósa Margrét Tryggvadóttir 1993- |
31.10.2023 | „You are the one we seek“ : utilizing fantasy literature to engage teen readers in immersive reading | Auður Kristín Gunnarsdóttir 1993- |