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25.1.2017 | In pursuit of “Ideal”: A contemporary vision of Japanese body aesthetic | Ksenia Vassiljeva 1994- |
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7.1.2020 | Origins of the Zaibatsu Conglomerates: Japanese zaibatsu conglomerates in the Meiji Period 1868-1912 | Árni Breki Ríkarðsson 1995- |
10.5.2023 | Pachinko: Existence and evolution in a non-gambling society | Halldóra Freygarðsdóttir 2000- |
13.5.2019 | Reflections of the Japanese society through Illustrated Handscrolls. Examining societal views in Japan through painting techniques and story contexts within illustrated handscrolls | Bára Ying Halldórsdóttir 1996- |
25.1.2017 | Religious Warfare: How Shinto and Buddhism influenced Japanese nationalism and militarism | Jóhann Lind Ringsted 1987- |
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10.5.2012 | Skyndibitinn sushi. Hvernig iðnbyltingin og auknar kröfur nútímasamfélagsins um hraða sköpuðu sushi nútímans | Björk Ellertsdóttir 1983- |