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12.9.2022 | The Dead Deserve Rest Too: The treatment and perception of corpses in medieval Icelandic literature | Lucia Simova 1996- |
4.5.2023 | Diaspora Identities in Death: A Comparative Analysis of Ethnically-Expressive Grave Goods from Iceland and Ireland | Colin Scott McKinstry 1990- |
10.1.2022 | Die Reise nach Jerusalem: Nordische Perspektiven auf die Kreuzzüge im späten 12. und frühen 13. Jahrhundert | Paul Theissen 1996- |
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10.9.2021 | Early Icelandic Scribal Practice: The Representation of Geminate Consonants in 12th- and 13th-Century Icelandic Orthography | Giulia Zorzan 1993- |
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