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Efnisorð 1 til 20 af 48
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
17.10.2024‘To honour our most fundamental relationship’ : exercising Gwich’in rights and responsibilities to Caribou in a transboundary contextRenata Colwell 1990-
22.10.2018Women in the Arctic : economy, governance and politicsGrilli, Adamaria, 1947-
27.2.2015Tækifæri Íslands á Norðurslóðum : samkeppnishæfni umskipunarhafnar fyrir norðurslóðir á Íslandi, hagkvæmni og fjárfestingaþörfSara Pálsdóttir 1983-
21.6.2010Trans-Arctic shipping: The Icelandic perspectiveHúni Heiðar Hallsson
2.11.2023The Third Pole process : to what extent is the Arctic Council model suitable for replication in the Third Pole region?Suryanarayanan, Kanagavalli, 1981-
21.6.2010The rights to self-determination of the indigenous peoples : illustrated by Arctic indigenous peoplesChen, Yichao
24.10.2019The right to free, prior and informed consentGonzález, Jesús Manuel Navarro, 1973-
21.6.2010The recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights in the context of area protection and management in the ArcticNeumann, Antje, 1968-
14.8.2017The Arctic is not just an ocean : international human rights law : the Arctic Council at a crossroadsBjarki Már Magnússon 1972-
18.6.2024Sexual harassment in Antarctica : a study of five states partiesVictoria Grace Patenaude 1995-
16.2.2015Security outlook of the Arctic states and perspectives on NATO’s involvementZhilina, Irina, 1989-
9.11.2023Sami people´s fishing rights at the international, regional and national level : institutional and legislative frameworkFontenaud, Adrien Christian, 1996-
14.6.2021The role of peace & diplomacy in the arctic geopolitical & military shift originated by arctic maritime-related industriesViguier, Thomas Georges Raymond, 1992-
14.6.2021The Role of Higher Online Education in the Rural Arctic: Students’ Opportunities and Experiences of Distance Education in Finnish Lapland and IcelandTulimaa, Maija, 1991-
22.9.2014Risk and responsibility : hydrocarbon extraction in the Arctic Ocean under international lawJohnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977-
20.6.2019The rights of indigenous peoples and the establishment of marine protected areas in the traditional inuit territoryTugend, Mana, 1994-
1.12.2022The rights of children and future generations of the European Arctic to a healthy environmentSchweizer, Sona Karbanová, 1989-
15.6.2016Research of legal status and navigation regime of arctic shipping lanesYu, Yue, 1991-
20.6.2019Redefining the management of living marine resources from the bottom-up : a coastal Sámi conceptual frameworkTsiouvalas, Apostolos, 1993-
14.6.2021Redefining Arctic stakeholders : integration of Asian states in Arctic law and governanceDervovic, Medy, 1997-