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Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 103
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
18.2.2014Ölduvirkjanir við VestmannaeyjarSigurður Georg Óskarsson 1987-
8.12.2010A wind-power fuel cell hybrid system study: Model of energy conversion for wind energy system with hydrogen storageSobotka, Katarzyna
8.12.2010Well Design & Well Completion under Acidic Conditions: Mitigation of corrosion of the wells of KraflaRajnai, Gabor
8.5.2014Vindorka - nýr valkostur við raforkuvinnslu á Íslandi. Samanburður við vatns- og jarðvarmaorkuKristján Gunnarsson 1961-
5.6.2023Vindorka á Íslandi :núverandi staða og framtíðarmöguleikar vindorku á ÍslandiDagur Sverrir Kristjánsson 2000-; Róbert Leifur Bryde
25.6.2012Understanding socioeconomic issues and opportunities of an emerging tidal energy industry in Nova ScotiaDrake, Carrie Lynn, 1983-
24.6.2021Techno-economic analysis of green ammonia production using offshore wind farmsMariana Monteiro Maia 1981-
8.6.2023Technical viability of underground hydrogen storage in cased boreholeAntoine Bachand 1997-
9.3.2011Technical feasibility of the Mołstowa river energy utilization.Nejranowski, Pawel
8.9.2015A Sustainability Assessment Framework for Geothermal Energy DevelopmentsShortall, Ruth, 1981-
13.3.2024A Stakeholder-Based Assessment of the Opportunities and Hurdles to the Development of the Icelandic Green Hydrogen EconomyTil Seth Tzschöckel 1996-
12.5.2014Sólarorka: Fjárhagsleg greiningRagnar Hjaltested 1984-
21.12.2010Solid oxide fuel cell system control : modeling and control study of a catalytic partial oxidation (CPOX) reactorMiklis, Tomasz Szczesny
21.3.2011Soil erosion modeling using RUSLE and GIS on Cameron highlands, Malaysia for hydropower developmentTeh, Soo Huey
8.12.2010Slow pyrolysis in a rotary kiln reactor : optimization and experimentZajec, Luka
4.2.2016Skref í átt að vetnishagkerfinu. Vistferilskostnaðargreining fyrir vetnisáfyllingarstöð: TilviksrannsóknLúðvík Viktorsson 1985-
12.3.2020Skiptir upprunaábyrgð raforku á Íslandi máli?Fríður Birna Stefánsdóttir 1960-
30.5.2014Sjálfbærnimatslykill Alþjóðavatnsorkusamtakanna. Mat á aðferðafræði og innihaldi lykilsAuður Ingimarsdóttir 1960-
7.6.2023Site selection of a WtE plant in Iceland based on utilization of value streamsJóhannes Ólafsson 1992-
18.3.2011The significance of solar hot water installations in meeting CO2 emissions reductionSzymanowska, Anna
20.12.2010Setup of a test bench and testing the single solid oxide fuel cell at various temperaturesSkrzypkiewicz, Marek
11.9.2018The role of the Clean Development Mechanism in contributing to energy justiceChang, Jeffrey, 1991-
7.12.2010Retrograde Alteration of Basaltic Rocks in the Þeistareykir High-Temperature Geothermal Field, North-IcelandMarosvolgyi, Krisztina
7.12.2010Renewable heat and electricity supply to residential settlements : gas versus heat transport for low-energy housingSasin, Tomasz
19.6.2017Renewable energy and the Arctic : exploring the potential of renewable energy development and the Arctic CouncilVilhjálmur Herrera Þórisson 1992-