1.1.2008 | A CFD and experimental investigation of under-ventilated compartment fires | Guigay, Georges |
26.8.2008 | Kirkja og skóli : staða og þróun kennslu í kristnum fræðum og trúarbragðafræðum á Íslandi með samanburði við Danmörku, Noreg og Svíþjóð | Sigurður Pálsson |
1.9.2008 | Chromosomal alterations and telomere dysfunction in breast tumours | Sigríður Klara Böðvarsdóttir 1971- |
30.10.2008 | Mat í þágu náms : samræmd próf, kennsluhugmyndir kennara, kennsla og nám í náttúrufræði og íslensku í fjórum íslenskum grunnskólum | Rúnar Sigþórsson |
31.3.2009 | We are caught up in our own world : conceptions of curriculum within three different disciplines at the University of Iceland | Guðrún Geirsdóttir |
5.5.2009 | Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in Icelandic infants: Safety, immunogenicity and protective capacities | Sigurveig Þ. Sigurðardóttir 1957- |
1.6.2009 | Variations on the act of listening. Twenty-one orchestra audience development events in light of John Dewey's art as experience metaphor | Njörður Sigurjónsson 1974- |
13.7.2009 | Temporal and spatial dynamics of hake Merluccius merluccius recruitment in the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean) | Bartolino, Valerio |
2.10.2009 | Antimicrobial resistant bacteria in production animals in Iceland. Possible transmission to humans? | Þórunn Rafnar Þorsteinsdóttir 1979- |
19.10.2009 | The Antiretroviral APOBEC3 Proteins of Artiodactyls | Stefán Ragnar Jónsson 1977- |
22.10.2009 | Stress and strain of a plate boundary - the Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland | Keiding, Marie |
30.10.2009 | Prospective parents and decisions concerning nuchal translucency screening | Helga Gottfreðsdóttir 1960- |
9.11.2009 | Water-Rock Interaction During CO2 Sequestration in Basalt | Flaathen, Therese Kaarbø |
7.12.2009 | Enhancing the quality of seafood products through new preservation techniques and seaweed-based antioxidants. Algal polyphenols as novel natural antioxidants | Wang, Tao |
1.1.2010 | Internationalization from a small domestic base. An empirical analysis of foreign direct investments of Icelandic Multinationals | Ásta Dís Óladóttir 1972- |
18.1.2010 | „Af því að við erum börn“ : lýðræðislegt umræðumat á menntun barna og þjónustu fjögurra íslenskra leikskóla | Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir |
6.4.2010 | The bacterial community during early production stages of intensively reared halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) | Rannveig Björnsdóttir 1959- |
10.5.2010 | Eye movements and schizophrenia risk genes. Associations of the putative schizophrenia risk genes COMT and NRG-1 with smooth pursuit and antisaccade eye movement endophenotypes in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls drawn from the homogenous Icelandic population | Magnús Haraldsson 1968- |
15.6.2010 | Distribution and identification of ectomycorrhizal and insect pathogenic fungi in Icelandic soil and their mediation of root-herbivore interactions in afforestation | Edda Sigurdís Oddsdóttir 1971- |
2.7.2010 | Enhancing quality management of fresh fish supply chains through improved logistics and ensured traceability | Mai, Thi Tuyet Nga, 1971- |
8.7.2010 | Holocene eruption history and magmatic evolution of the subglacial volcanoes, Grímsvötn, Bárdarbunga and Kverkfjöll beneath Vatnajökull, Iceland | Bergrún Arna Óladóttir 1978- |
14.9.2010 | Social dimensions of volcanic hazards, risk and emergency response procedures in southern Iceland | Bird, Deanne Katherine |
21.9.2010 | New Frontiers in Therapy for Unilateral Neglect | Styrmir Sævarsson 1976- |
4.10.2010 | Cognitive design. Creating the sets of categories and labels that structure our shared experience | Watson, Ian, 1970- |
18.11.2010 | Þjónustustjórnun: Markaðs- og þjónustuáhersla í opinbera geiranum | Þórhallur Örn Guðlaugsson 1962- |