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Verk með efnisorðið 'Substance abuse'

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Efnisorð 1 til 19 af 19
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
9.8.2016The interplay between perceived social support, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and substance use in a trauma-exposed sampleAnna Margrét Hrólfsdóttir 1992-
21.6.2017The prevalence of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder among individuals who seek treatment for substance abuseHildigunnur Sól Eldjárn Kristjánsdóttir 1993-
12.9.2017Benchmarking best practice : excellence in rehabilitation, recovery and social reintegration for people with substance abuse problemsHelga Sif Friðjónsdóttir 1975-
7.6.2018Organized Sports as a Preventative Factor for Substance Abuse: A comparison of ADHD and non-ADHD individualsBjarki Jóhannsson 1991-
7.6.2018Parental support and control for adolescents: How does it affect drug abuse, academic status and problematic behavior?Camelia Iuliönudóttir 1995-
7.6.2018The association between marijuana use, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and intentional self-harm among Icelandic college students and whether it affects males and females differentlyHildur Karen Jóhannsdóttir 1995-
7.6.2018PTSD Among Substance Abusers: Prevalence of Various Trauma Types and the Concurrence of Addiction and Mental Disorders on PTSDÍsabella Guðmundsdóttir 1994-
14.5.2019Development and manifestation of behavior problems and risk behavior among Icelandic youthSandra Sif Sæmundsdóttir 1990-
27.5.2019Reoccurrence in Neyðarvistun : emphasis on substance abuseHlynur Már Heimisson 1993-
29.5.2019Association between substance use, family conflict, anger and depressed mood among Icelandic high school studentsTelma Jónsdóttir 1994-
8.6.2020Adverce childhood experiences of the clients from Frú Ragnheiður and adulthood homelessness, intravenous drug use and early alcohol/drug initiationHörður Jónsson 1981-
14.6.2021The effects of parental divorce on self- esteem, anger, substance use and family aspects among young peopleHanna Margrét Heimisdóttir 1997-
22.6.2022Public opinion on substance use disorders and harm reduction approach : the effects of stigma and discriminationKatrín Hrönn Harðardóttir 1994-
23.5.2023Development and research of adding gamified elements into Bati software and the effect it has on users struggling with substance use disorderUnnur Sóley Lindudóttir 1994-
31.5.2023Public attitudes towards decriminalization of possession of drugs for personal usePlamena Stefanova Petrova 1993-; Sigríður Karlsdóttir 1992-
6.6.2023The association between parental support and monitoring and substance use among adolescence; ADHD symptoms and delinquent peer influences as risk factorsKarítas Líf Óskarsdóttir 2000-
7.6.2023Adolescents who struggle with substance use following domestic violence in their childhoodBirna Lind Pálmadóttir 2000-
7.6.2023Parental monitoring and support, social capital, and adolescent substance useKarítas Rún Grétudóttir 1999-
3.6.2024The relationship between childhood traumatic experiences, mental health, and substance use, among youth in IcelandEva Egilsdóttir 2002-