19.5.2020 | The Good, the Bad and the Magic: Comparing the magical worlds of Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia | Ingunn James 1991- |
10.5.2012 | Tolkien & Lewis. How Tolkien and Lewis present their religion in their writings | Einar Kristinn Þorsteinsson 1987- |
8.6.2010 | Hærra upp og lengra inn. Dauði og framhaldslíf í verkum C. S. Lewis | Þóra Ingvarsdóttir 1987- |
19.5.2009 | "It really won't do you know." Pros and Cons of the Creation and Success of C. S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | Eva Dögg Sveinsdóttir 1981- |