3.6.2022 | Adverse childhood experiences and prevalence of type II diabetes in a nationwide cohort of Icelandic women | Elísabet Unnur Gísladóttir 1997- |
23.6.2023 | The Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Body Mass Index & Obesity in Adulthood: A Cross-Sectional Study based on the SAGA cohort of Icelandic Women | Sigrún Lóa Kristjánsdóttir 1975- |
6.6.2013 | Áhrif atferlismeðferðar við offitu með eða án magahjáveituaðgerðar á andlega líðan og þyngd. 3-4 ára eftirfylgd | Maríanna Þórðardóttir 1983- |
22.9.2023 | Climate literacy: A Critical Factor in Promoting Pro-Climate Behavior. | Emilía Borgþórsdóttir 1973- |
5.6.2013 | Clinical diagnoses and characteristics of women entering the Reykjavik Emergency Departments during the economic collapse in 2008 | Rebekka Sigrún Lynch 1989- |
7.6.2021 | Comparison of regression and machine learning methods for classification in a large cohort study | Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir 1989- |
4.10.2012 | Dietary Habits across the Lifespan and Risk of Prostate Cancer. A population-based study in Iceland | Jóhanna Eyrún Torfadóttir 1974- |
4.6.2013 | Félagslegur stuðningur og andleg líðan í kjölfar efnahagsþrenginganna á Íslandi 2008: Framsýn ferilrannsókn | Helga Margrét Clarke 1983- |
22.6.2017 | Fæðuofnæmi og fæðuóþol í leikskólum Reykjavíkurborgar: lýsandi þversniðsrannsókn | Aðalheiður Rán Þrastardóttir 1986- |
2.10.2020 | Incidence and temporal trends in initial upper and lower-limb amputations in Iceland from 1985 to 2014 | Kjartan Gunnsteinsson 1974- |
2.9.2010 | Intake of Fish and Fish Oil in Adolescence and Midlife and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Older Women | Álfheiður Haraldsdóttir 1976- |
30.1.2016 | Local health matters. Health and health service utilsation across geographic regions in Iceland | Sigríður Haraldsdóttir 1961- |
6.6.2016 | Long-term health consequences of avalanches in Iceland in 1995: A 16 year follow-up | Edda Björk Þórðardóttir 1980- |
17.8.2011 | Psychotropic Drug Use among Children: A Comparison of ADHD Drug Use in the Nordic Countries and the Effect of ADHD Drug Treatment on Academic Progress | Helga Zoëga 1976- |
9.4.2018 | Quality of life among newly diagnosed lung cancer patients in Iceland: The role of resilience and social support | Harpa Sóley Snorradóttir 1971- |
26.5.2011 | Quality of life of Icelandic adolescents born with extremely low birthweight | Hólmdís Freyja Methúsalemsdóttir 1979- |
24.5.2011 | Risks of low birth weight, small-for-gestational age and preterm births following the economic collapse in Iceland 2008 | Védís Helga Eiríksdóttir 1977- |
8.10.2015 | The Role of Circadian Disruption in Prostate Cancer Development | Lára G. Sigurðardóttir 1974- |
13.10.2010 | Tengsl félagsaðstæðna og breytinga á depurðareinkennum hjá móður við breytingar á líðan barns í fjölskyldumeðferð við offitu | Ólöf Elsa Björnsdóttir 1977- |
5.9.2012 | Tengsl félagsauðs við heilsufar Íslendinga. Úr rannsókn á íbúalýðræði á Íslandi 2007-2010 | Una María Óskarsdóttir 1962- |
29.1.2010 | Tíðni og einkenni kynferðisofbeldis gegn konum sem leituðu til Neyðarmóttöku Landspítala-háskólasjúkrahúss á árunum 1998 til 2007 | Agnes Gísladóttir 1983- |
13.6.2016 | Use of antidepressants during pregnancy among women in Iceland 2003 - 2012: A nationwide population-based study | Dagný Baldvinsdóttir 1968- |
11.10.2010 | Yoga Intervention in the Aftermath of an Earthquake in Iceland. The Effect of Six-week Hatha Yoga Program on Psychological Complications following an Earthquake. | Kolbrún Þórðardóttir 1950- |