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Leiðbeinendur 26 til 50 af 63
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
25.6.2021The Icelandic translation of the Child Anxiety Impact Scale (CAIS) : preliminary psychometric properties of the CAIS scale in a community sample of Icelandic children.Unnur Margrét Unnarsdóttir 1990-
14.6.2018Impact of mental illness diagnosis on the course of mental health treatment : thematic analysis of service users’ experienceRagnheiður Helga Sæmundsdóttir 1986-
18.6.2018Impulsive buying and delay of gratification among adults with ADHDSverrir Björn Einarsson 1985-
27.6.2022Inpatient treatment for eating disorders : patients' experiences, demographics, and treatment characteristicMóeiður Pálsdóttir 1990-
8.2.2015Insomnia, depression and quality of life among patients with obstructive sleep apneaErla Björnsdóttir 1982-
13.5.2019Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia among primary care patients : effectiveness and satisfaction with treatmentNína Guðrún Guðjónsdóttir 1994-
4.2.2013Kynferðisbrot á Íslandi 2001-2011. Gerendur, einkenni og afbrotahegðunGuðrún Sesselja Baldursdóttir 1982-
12.10.2012Líðan kvenna í kjölfar íslenska efnahagshrunsins. Huglægt mat á fjárhagsstöðu kvenna í kjölfar hrunsins og tengsl þess við breytingar á líðan þeirra á tímabilinu 2006-2012Ásthildur Margrét Gísladóttir 1988-
18.6.2018Medically unexplained symptoms in primary health careSturla Brynjólfsson 1988-
14.6.2018Non-cardiac chest pain and mental health : a study among patients at the Icelandic cardiac emergency wardÍvar Arash Radmanesh 1984-
24.1.2019Non-cardiac chest pain and psychological morbidity among patients cardiac emergency department and the emergency centreKristín Eva Rögnvaldsdóttir 1991-
21.5.2015Ólögleg vímuefnaneysla meðal íslenskra fanga fyrir afplánun og tengsl AMO við afbrot þeirra og neyslumynsturIngi Þór Eyjólfsson 1976-
13.5.2019Parents experience and views on the assessment and treatment for children with OCD within the public mental health system in Iceland : a qualitative studySylvía Ósk Speight Kristínardóttir 1975-
13.5.2019Prevalence of depression and specific anxiety problems among Icelandic university studentsIngvar Eysteinsson 1990-
22.6.2012Próffræðilegir eiginleikar íslenskrar þýðingar Rosenberg kvarðansEllen Dögg Sigurjónsdóttir 1982-
24.6.2020Psoriasis in Iceland and symptoms of psychological comorbiditiesDávur Í Dali 1989-
14.6.2018Psychometric evaluation of the Icelandic version of the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and the Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire (CFQ)Sigríður Jóna Sigurjónsdóttir 1966-
16.6.2021Psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of the work and social adjustment scaleIngólfur Tryggvi Elíasson 1993-
14.5.2019Psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of Worry Behaviours Inventory (WBI) in clinical and non-clinical samplesÁsta Sigurðardóttir 1983-
14.6.2018Psychometric properties of the Icelandic versions of Generalized Anxiety Disorder -7 (GAD-7) and Patient Health Questionnaire – 9 (PHQ-9): sample of 18-25 years old studentsHrafnhildur Snæbjörnsdóttir 1991-
13.5.2019Psychometric properties of the intolerance of uncertainty : believability scaleGunnar Ingi Valdimarsson 1989-
24.6.2020A qualitative analysis of generalised anxiety disorder : a cognitve behavioural theory perspectiveErna Björk Einarsdóttir 1992-
18.6.2018The relationship between exhaustion, work-related experience and working conditions among employees in different occupationsÞórey Þormar 1981-
17.9.2020The relationship between worries and safety-seeking behaviour in Generalized Anxiety DisorderSif Elíasdóttir Bachmann 1988-
16.6.2021The relationship of functional impairment with anxiety and depressive symptoms in Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavioural Group TreatmentJónas Björgvin Sigurbergsson 1994-