12.5.2014 | Yakuza: History of the Yakuza | Kristinn Árnason 1990- |
12.5.2014 | Advertising to the Japanese consumer. Japanese advertising culture examined | Jón Björn Ólafsson 1992- |
5.8.2014 | Japanese American Internment: A Great Injustice | Erlingur Þór Pétursson 1990- |
8.9.2014 | Yuru Kyara. Loðfættir tvífætlingar afla milljóna fyrir heimabyggð | Guðrún Helga Halldórsdóttir 1991- |
10.9.2014 | Staða kvenna í Japan: Hin japanska kona tákn þjóðarinnar | Katrín Birgisdóttir 1987- |
20.1.2015 | Femínismi í Japan | Sólrún Svava Skúladóttir 1987- |
11.5.2015 | The Beauty in the Simplicity: The Ritual Importance of the Japanese Tea Ceremony in Modern Japanese Society | Ívar Ðat Trong Le Ingvason 1990- |
11.5.2015 | Never Gonna Fall for Modern Love. The Negative Population Growth of Japan Explored | Sunna Axelsdóttir 1992- |
10.9.2015 | Courtship in Japan and Iceland. Then and Now | Thelma Rún Heimisdóttir 1992- |
10.9.2015 | Alluring Faces: Beauty Standards in Japanese Society through the Ages | Laufey Magnúsdóttir 1991- |
10.9.2015 | Fashion Subcultures in Japan. A multilayered history of street fashion in Japan | Inga Guðlaug Valdimarsdóttir 1988- |
20.1.2016 | The Red Wind. 10th March, 1945 Tokyo Fire Bombings | Brynjólfur M. Brynjólfsson 1990- |
20.1.2016 | The history of loan words in Japanese and their effect on the Japanese language | Benedikt Gauti Þórdísarson 1991- |
20.1.2016 | Japanese Marketing. Fundamentally Different | Höskuldur Hrafn Guttormsson 1990- |
20.1.2016 | Japanese-Korean Relations: Historical Ideas of Superiority and their effect on Current Relations with the Koreas | Unnur Bjarnadóttir 1994- |
20.1.2016 | The roots of prejudice in Japan. Where it all began | Saga Roman 1992- |
20.1.2016 | Humor in Japan. What are the elements of Japanese Humor? | Oddný Sigmundsdóttir 1990- |
9.5.2016 | Karlmenn og karlmennska: Áhrif karlmennskuímynda á karlmenn í japönsku nútíma samfélagi | Sóley Margrét Rafnsdóttir 1993- |
10.5.2016 | The Hero, The Shadow and The Wise Old Man: Archetypes in Fantasy | Einar Örn Bjarnason 1983- |
10.5.2016 | Sexual Appreciation in Japan: A journey down the rabbit hole of kink | Ragnheiður Þóra Egilsdóttir 1990- |
10.5.2016 | Japan's Educational System. A Few Main Points and Recent Changes in the Educational System | Bertha Gunnarsdóttir 1993- |
10.5.2016 | Ginið er gata til ógæfu: Birtingarmyndir stöðu kynjanna í japönsku máli | Óskar Kjartansson 1989- |
12.9.2016 | Kynlífslausir Japanir: Er kynlíf á undanhaldi í Japan? | Gísli Gunnar Didriksen Guðmundsson 1991- |
12.9.2016 | Breaking Down the Walls of Japan: Japan's Slow International Integration | Justin Þór Daníelsson Pollock 1987- |
24.1.2017 | Impacts of Population Aging in Modern Japan and Possible Solutions for the Future | Eggert Örn Sigurðsson 1991- |