24.6.2020 | Balancing climate anxiety and coping skills: How the cognitive theory of anxiety predicts pro-environmental and avoidance behaviour | Daðey Albertsdóttir 1988- |
8.6.2023 | Computer-based intervention for preoperative anxiety in children : the role of parental anxiety and child temperament - A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study | Eydís Lilja Eysteinsdóttir 1993- |
20.1.2020 | Does Psychological Resilience Moderate the Relationship between Chronological Age, Threat Appraisal, Number of Traumatic Events and Trauma Type and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms? | Vigdís Ásgeirsdóttir 1986- |
6.6.2024 | Early detection of autism in primary healthcare in Iceland : parental experience of the procedure and services provided for toddlers, following a positive screening | María Lovísa Breiðdal 1994- |
27.6.2022 | Effectiveness of brief cognitive behavioural therapy for non-underweight eating disorders in Iceland | Jakob Fannar Stefánsson 1995- |
8.6.2023 | Emotional disorders within neurodevelopmental disorders : a comparison of Icelandic youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and/or autism spectrum disorder | Kristín Rós Sigurðardóttir 1998- |
13.6.2024 | Health-related quality of life among youth with type 1 diabetes or epilepsy : the psychometric properties of the Icelandic DISABKIDS Chronic Generic Module | Sif Ragnarsdóttir 1989- |
3.6.2019 | The Impact of Threat Appraisal in the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Role of Threat to Life and Social Threat | Sóley Siggeirsdóttir 1992- |
3.9.2019 | Kerfisbundin samantekt á rannsóknum um tengsl áfallastreituröskunar við vitræna skerðingu og þróun heilabilunar | Hjördís Lilja Lorange 1989- |
12.6.2018 | Langtímameðferðarárangur barna með sértæka fælni : hvað hamlar meðferðarárangri? : áhrif kyns barns og kvíða foreldra | Helga Margrét Haraldsdóttir 1985-; Thelma Rós Sigurðardóttir 1986-; Jóhanna Ósk Kristinsdóttir 1993- |
27.6.2022 | The longitudinal and bidirectional association between irritability and depressive symptoms in Icelandic adolescents | Sóley Baldursdóttir 1996- |
18.5.2020 | Samfélagsmiðlanotkun og þunglyndis- og kvíðaeinkenni hjá unglingsstúlkum: Áhrif foreldratengsla og hreyfingar | Helga Sigrún Ómarsdóttir 1989- |
27.6.2022 | Sex education for children with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder | Margrét Hera Hauksdóttir 1994- |
11.8.2021 | Social anxiety in adolescents : comparable treatment gains following cognitive behavioral group therapy and intensive cognitive behavioral therapy | Ingibjörg Ragna Malmquist 1990- |
10.2.2022 | Suicide rates in Iceland in 2000-2019 : a nationwide population-based study | Bergþóra Kristín Ingvarsdóttir 1989- |
28.5.2019 | Trauma and General Health: PTSD symptoms and threat appraisal | Heiða Ingólfsdóttir 1991- |
8.6.2023 | What constitutes sexual harassment? : perceptions of Icelandic employees | Emilía Björg Þórðardóttir 1997- |