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Leiðbeinendur 1 til 25 af 78
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
8.2.2010A Sustainability Assessment Protocol for Geothermal UtilizationShortall, Ruth, 1981-
5.5.2014Accounting for the Utilisation of Energy Resources within the Genuine Progress IndicatorCook, David, 1983-
5.10.2018Afforestation and biodiversity: Changes in biodiversity of birds, beetles and ground vegetation along a successional gradient in a black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) plantation in South IcelandGundelach, Tallulah, 1992-
16.5.2013Aquaculture and the Environment. Life Cycle Assessment on Icelandic Arctic char fed with three different feed typesBirgir Örn Smárason 1984-
2.6.2022Assessing the carbon capture and mineralization storage potential in the Olkaria Geothermal Field, Kenya: A geochemical, policy and financial framework studyCharlotte S.J. Barlow 1997-
13.1.2011Áhrif stefnumótunar í umhverfismálum á samkeppnishæfni íslenskra framleiðslufyrirtækjaHrönn Hrafnsdóttir 1967-
30.5.2023Barriers and Drivers of Sustainable Consumption among Students at the University of IcelandJade Emma Farabet 2000-
17.9.2012Beðið eftir óveðri. Aðlögun að loftslagsbreytingum í Reykjavík, staða þekkingar og aðgerðaMargrét Helga Guðmundsdóttir 1984-
15.9.2016Besta nýting jarðhitakerfis: Samþætting auðlindar og hagrænna þáttaSigurður Björnsson 1987-
29.5.2009Biofuel Production Methods Based on Icelandic Feedstocks: An Environmental and Economic ComparisonUnger, Elizabeth, 1978-
25.11.2013Biomimicry in Iceland: Present Status and Future SignificanceSigríður Anna Ásgeirsdóttir 1961-
22.8.2011BúorkaKristján Hlynur Ingólfsson 1982-
4.5.2022Comparative evaluation of the economic costs of diesel fuel and electricity externalities from whale watching - Case study of IcelandZaw Myo Win 1998-
8.1.2014Competitive Environmental Strategy of Sundlaug KópavogsStoyanov, Encho Plamenov, 1988-
10.5.2017The Contingent Valuation of the Wind Farm Búrfellslundur: Willingness to Pay for PreservationSigríður Rós Einarsdóttir 1987-
6.6.2016Corporate Social Responsibility in Iceland: Benefits and ChallengesRubianes, Daniela Soledad Miranda, 1982-
6.5.2022Creating a business case for sustainability in Icelandic fishing industry using system dynamics methods.Ágústa Þóra Jónsdóttir 1970-
2.2.2012Cumulative Vulnerability: the long-term effects of small-scale disasters. Annual flooding in the Saint Louis region, SenegalCharlotte Ólöf Jónsdóttir Biering 1982-
10.1.2019The dynamic impact of renewable energy sources on economic growthJón Jónsson 1986-
7.5.2024Economic Feasibility Evaluation of Renewable Energy Projects Complemented with SDGs analysis A Case Study in the municipality of Villagarzón, ColombiaSamuel Emilio Barahona Sanchez 1996-
25.1.2010Economic valuation of ecosystem services, the case of Lake Elliðavatn and Lake VífilsstaðavatnHalla Margrét Jóhannesdóttir 1983-
14.5.2019Engagement with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Icelandic Energy CompaniesSarah Olson 1982-
27.1.2022Environmental and Economic Assessment of Wind Energy Utilization for Westman Islands District Heating.Kenneth Steele 1992-
2.6.2022The Environmental and Socio-economic Benefits of Geothermal District HeatingMeiting Qin 1995-
12.2.2014Environmental knowledge and management in the Icelandic horse-based tourismNieminen, Sonja, 1983-