Samþykkt | Titill | Höfundur(ar) |
10.2.2017 | The discerning customer and the political economy : why do firms keep surviving the corporate ethical crisis? | Maria Csizmas 1977- |
25.3.2014 | The implication of the economic crisis on the Filipino community in Iceland and why families in the Philippines are affected | Violeta Tolo Torres 1967- |
12.3.2020 | Meðhöndla fjölmiðlar flugfélögin á sama hátt? | Torfi Geir Símonarson 1989- |
10.6.2016 | Samfélagslega ábyrgð olíufyrirtækja á Íslandi | Melkorka Sigurðardóttir 1969- |