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6.6.2017 | Cathelicidin anti-microbial peptides : characterization of cathelicidin gene family members in Rock ptarmigan | Hallgrímur Steinsson 1978- |
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20.6.2011 | Genetic diversity assessment and individual identification of gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) in Iceland | Lára Guðmundsdóttir |
6.6.2016 | Genetic variability at the Pantophysin I (PanI) locus in cod (Gadus morhua) in Eyjafjörður, Iceland. | Katla Hrund Björnsdóttir 1990- |
11.6.2018 | Geomicrobiology of natural gas seepage pockmarks in Öxarfjörður, NE-Iceland | Guðný Vala Þorsteinsdóttir 1990- |
13.6.2022 | Greining á breytilegum örtunglum í erfðamengi rjúpu á Íslandi : breytileiki örtungla í rjúpum | Hugrún Ása Gylfadóttir 1999- |
15.6.2020 | Immune gene variability in ptarmigan : in silico discovery and molecular genetic analysis of pattern recognising receptors in wild bird populations | Eydís Sigurðardóttir Schiöth 1995- |
29.1.2024 | Initial plant and soil microbial communities on deglaciated land at four outlet glaciers | Hlynur Steinsson 1996- |
13.6.2022 | Mitochondrial genome assembly of horned grebe (Podiceps auritus) | Andri Már Þorsteinsson 1997- |
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2.6.2023 | Soil microbial communities and carbon dynamics following birch establishment in an early successional setting | Jóhannes B. Urbancic Tómasson 1993- |
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