2.6.2023 | Beyond what meets the Eye: The effect of line number, distance between the lines and line arrangement on Redundancy Masking | Silja Rós Viðarsdóttir 1999-; Ísak Jónsson 1999- |
3.6.2022 | Common or separate summary statistical processes for representing average and variance? | Anna María Pálsdóttir 1998-; Ásta Sóley Júlíusdóttir 1998-; Martha Sunneva Helgadóttir 1999- |
28.5.2024 | Cross-Modal Correspondence The influence of brightness on pitch perception | Alexandra Inga Alfredsdóttir 1991-; Sóley Hólm Jónsdóttir 2001- |
1.6.2023 | Does grouping interfere with automatic averaging? | Kjartan Fannberg Bjarnason 1999-; María Agnesardóttir 2000- |
9.6.2020 | Effects of visual feature distributions on intertrial priming | Sóley Alexandra Þorsteinsdóttir 1997- |
8.6.2020 | Feature Distribution Learning with Complex Contours in Visual Search | Sæunn Jódís Sunnudóttir 1996-; Karólína Jóhannsdóttir 1995- |
27.5.2024 | How stability of the visual environment influences serial dependence | Elín Kara Celin 2000- |
27.5.2024 | The role of memory load and inter-item similarity on serial dependence | Björk Wanjiru Reynisdóttir 2000- |
6.6.2023 | The role of regularity in redundancy masking | Arnleif Margrét Friðriksdóttir 1989-; Ari Kárason 1998- |
8.6.2020 | The role of stimulus uncertainty on attractive and repulsive biases in perception | Ásvaldur Sigmar Guðmundsson 1997-; Emily Helga Nielsdóttir Reise 1996- |
26.1.2024 | Serial dependence: How past perception affects future perceptions and decisions | Birta Hinriksdóttir 2000- |
30.1.2025 | Skewing the Extraction of Emotional Expression From a Group of Faces With Memory Matching Tasks. A study on Visual Working Memory and Ensemble Perception | Hrönn Júlía Stefánsdóttir 2002-; Sigríður Helga Kárdal Ásgeirsdóttir 2000- |
24.5.2024 | Temporal integration: The role of an auditory interference task on serial dependence | Eva Rós Gústavsdóttir 1989-; Rut Þorsteinsdóttir 1984- |