23.4.2013 | Cédric Viale, Lexicon of environmental law : les définitions du droit de l’environment (Leiden: Martinus-Nijhoff Publishers, 2012) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
8.4.2013 | Christian Joerges and Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann (eds.), Constitutionalism : multilevel trade governance and international economic law (Hart Publishing: Studies in International Trade Law, 2011) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
2.4.2013 | G. Alfredsson, T. Koivurova (eds. in chief), D. Leary, N. Loukacheva (spec. eds.), The yearbook of polar law (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
2.4.2013 | H. Beale et al., Cases, materials and texts on contract law, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010); and T. K. Graziano, Comparative contract law : cases, materials and exercises (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
25.3.2013 | Ian Carter, Anna Elisabetta Galeotti & Valeria Ottonelli (eds.), Eguale Rispetto (Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2008) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
23.4.2013 | Jesús Ballesteros, Encarnación Fernández Ruiz-Gálvez, Pedro Talavera (eds.), Globalization and human rights : challenges and answers from a European perspective (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives of Law and Justice, Vol. 13, Leiden: Springer, 2012) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
23.5.2014 | Michael Byers, International law and the Arctic (Cambridge : Cambridge studies in international and comparative law, Cambridge university press, 2013) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
2.4.2013 | Natalia Loukacheva (ed.), Polar law textbook (Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2010) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
30.4.2013 | Practising what they preach : did the IMF and Iceland exercise good governance in their relations 2008-2011? | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977-; Hjalti Ómar Ágústsson 1968- |
22.9.2014 | Risk and responsibility : hydrocarbon extraction in the Arctic Ocean under international law | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
23.5.2014 | Timo Koivurova, Introduction to international environmental law (London: Routledge, 2013) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |
23.4.2013 | T. Kue Young (senior ed.) and Rajiv Rawat, Winifred Dallmann, Susan Chatwood and Peter Bjerregaard (eds.), Circumpolar health atlas (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012) | Johnstone, Rachael Lorna, 1977- |