27.1.2016 | Áhrif skattlagningar á holdafar. Kerfisbundin samantekt | Linda Björk Árnadóttir 1973- |
7.4.2015 | Árangur fjölskyldumiðaðrar atferlismeðferðar fyrir börn með offitu á líðan, lífsgæði og líkamsþyngdarstuðul | Bryndís Kristjánsdóttir 1979- |
23.10.2018 | Áverkar og aukin áhætta á sóragigt meðal sórasjúklinga | Stefán Thorarensen 1988- |
16.6.2023 | Birth satisfaction and symptoms of postpartum post traumatic stress disorder among women in Iceland | Fjóla Dröfn Guðmundsdóttir 1984- |
22.5.2015 | Blood Donors in Iceland: A Nationwide Population-Based Study in 2005-2013 | Vigdís Jóhannsdóttir 1966- |
8.3.2013 | Characteristics of adolescent boys using protein supplements : diet, lifestyle and health : HLÍF : health and lifestyle in high-school | Unnur Björk Arnfjörð 1976- |
27.5.2011 | Chronic pain in widowers 4-5 years after loss | Hildur Guðný Ásgeirsdóttir 1980- |
21.6.2012 | Companion animals and mental health. A cross-sectional study | Heiðdís Björk Gunnarsdóttir 1974- |
8.6.2011 | CP eftirfylgni. Þýðing og prófun á notagildi þverfaglegs mats á heilsu og færni barna með CP á Íslandi | Guðbjörg Eggertsdóttir 1958- |
2.12.2015 | Development and predictors for psychological morbidity following the 2008 earthquake in South Iceland: A prospective cohort study | Hulda Guðmundsdóttir 1968- |
23.5.2024 | The development of bullying victimization among children and adolescents in Icelandic primary schools: A cross-sectional national study | Katrín Klara Emilsdóttir 1993- |
4.10.2012 | Dietary Habits across the Lifespan and Risk of Prostate Cancer. A population-based study in Iceland | Jóhanna Eyrún Torfadóttir 1974- |
7.7.2017 | Effect of the Buteyko Method on Resting Ventilation and Asthma Control in Asthma Patients | Monique van Oosten 1959- |
4.6.2014 | The effects of behavioural obesity treatment in Iceland with or without surgical intervention on weight loss, body composition, physical work capacity and physical activity: A 4-year follow-up | Guðlaugur Birgisson 1970- |
8.10.2010 | Evaluation of school-based mental health promotion for adolescents. Focus on knowledge, stigma, help-seeking behaviour and resources | Antonía María Gestsdóttir 1976- |
1.7.2016 | Fatal pediatric injuries in Iceland 1980-2010: A population-based study | Steinunn Anna Eiríksdóttir 1981- |
4.6.2013 | Félagslegur stuðningur og andleg líðan í kjölfar efnahagsþrenginganna á Íslandi 2008: Framsýn ferilrannsókn | Helga Margrét Clarke 1983- |
16.6.2015 | Flourishing in Iceland: Content, Prevalence and Indicators | Karen Erla Karólínudóttir 1977- |
7.2.2023 | Food Choices of Vegans and Omnivores in Iceland. Dietary Surveys 2019–2022 | Olga Eir Þórarinsdóttir 1989- |
22.6.2017 | Fæðuofnæmi og fæðuóþol í leikskólum Reykjavíkurborgar: lýsandi þversniðsrannsókn | Aðalheiður Rán Þrastardóttir 1986- |