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24.6.2021 | Burnout symptoms among Icelandic patients administered to the Cardiac emergency department with chest pain discomfort : association with mental health and demographics | María Mjöll Björnsdóttir 1995- |
22.5.2019 | Burnout, physical activity and professional experience in Icelandic elementary school teachers | Ásgerður María Rivina 1996- |
3.6.2024 | Changes in stress among Icelandic university students following a global pandemic. | Ásta Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir 2002- |
22.6.2022 | Childhood exposure to parental alienation : correlations with depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD symptoms, and self-esteem in adulthood | Móna Róbertsdóttir Becker 1988- |
14.5.2019 | Concussion among female athletes in Iceland : stress, depression, anxiety and quality of life | Silja Runólfsdóttir 1990- |
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15.6.2020 | Correlation between stress, lifestyle, and EEG- alpha activity | Máni Snær Hafdísarson 1990-; Aðalsteinn Ragnarsson 1996- |
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15.6.2021 | Does sleep quality and stress levels differ between college student athletes compared to non-athletes? | Magdalena Gísladóttir 1998- |
1.6.2023 | Dogs and well-Being : the effect of dogs on well-being and stress among university students | Alda Ægisdóttir 2000- |
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14.6.2022 | EEG in meditation : the effect of mindfulness meditation on experienced vs. novice meditators | Íris Sól Þrastardóttir 1998-; Birna Kristín Ásbjörnsdóttir 1993- |