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20.6.2019 | Absence of recovery in a degraded eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) bed in Nova Scotia, Canada : results from a transplant study | Wilson, Erin Kathleen, 1994- |
20.6.2019 | Abundance and distribution shifts of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Ísafjarðardjúp | Brown, Justin Lee, 1990- |
20.6.2019 | Acoustic seabed mapping in central Chile : evaluation of echo sounder and description of kelp bed under different management and environmental regimes | Vega, Ignacio Baena, 1993- |
16.6.2020 | Agree without aggregating: An extension of multi-criteria decision theory for multiple decision makers in the management of coastal erosion | Bjerkén, August, 1992- |
22.6.2010 | An Exploratory Study of a Situated Learning-to-Change Process in Three Eastern Cape Coastal Communities | Stollak, Danielle G |
25.8.2015 | An analysis of common Guillemot Uria aalge chick diet, Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica productivity, and Great Skua Stercorarius skua diet on Mingulay, Outer Hebrides | Lawrence, Sarah Elizabeth, 1989- |
25.10.2021 | Anchoring fish to the shore : lessons of small-scale fisheries in Labrador applied to fisheries management in Sweden | Conrad, Aidan Rutherford, 1995- |
30.6.2022 | Anthropogenic microparticle ingestion by capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Denmark Strait | Brawn, Caitlin Ellen, 1994- |
25.6.2012 | Applying a Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) to the Westfjords, Iceland : a preliminary assessment | Davies, William Thomas Ronald, 1985- |
9.8.2017 | Applying a coastal vulnerability index to San Mateo County and comparing to stakeholders' perception of risk | Gerrity, Brian Francis, 1993- |
24.6.2013 | An approach towards sustainable coastal tourism management : nature-based tourism in Nuup Kangerlua, Greenland | Hildur Sólveig Elvarsdóttir 1985- |
24.6.2013 | Arctic and subarctic gateways for private nautical tourism : a feasibility study for marina development in Ísafjörður, Iceland | Brötzmann, Maik, 1979- |
25.10.2021 | Assessing coastal risk and improving resilience : Cape Jourimain National Wildlife Area | Gautreau, Cassandra Elizabeth, 1991- |
27.10.2023 | Assessing community attitudes towards aquaculture and perceptions of equity : a case study from Seyðisfjörður, East Iceland | Kulczycki, Kayla-Marie, 1997- |
28.6.2016 | Assessing the cooperative management regime in Gwaii Haanas national park reserve, national marine conservation area reserve and Haida heritage site | Sargeant, Jean Phillip , 1991- |
29.10.2020 | Assessing the degree of maerl habitat fragmentation affecting fish species richness and abundance | Valliant, Michelle, 1991- |
14.8.2017 | Assessing the effectiveness of a bottom up approach to marine protected area management : a study of Beqa Island, Fiji | Peters, Joshua, 1993- |
24.8.2015 | Assessment of sea lice infection rates on wild populations of salmonids in Arnarfjörður, Iceland | Karbowski, Niklas, 1991- |
20.6.2019 | An assessment of the biological and socio-economic feasibility for successful culturing of the Iceland Scallop (Chlamys islandica) in the Westfjords of Iceland | Argue, David, 1973- |