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Efnisorð 26 til 46 af 46
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
2.6.2017Lignocellulosic Bio Fuel Production In Iceland, A System Dynamics Approach.Emil Þorvaldsson 1989-
1.6.2012Modeling and Analysis of a Horizontal Direct Chill Casting ProcessGarðar Garðarsson 1984-
7.6.2023Modelling and power flow analysis of the electrical distribution system at Norðurál aluminium plantHörður Hermannsson 1990-
26.1.2021Named entity recognition for Icelandic: comparing and combining different machine learning methodsÁsmundur Alma Guðjónsson 1990-
23.6.2020New digital substation at Sundahofn, system modeling design and operationNinoslav Vujisikj 1987-
11.6.2009Nonlinear Finite Element Model of a Geothermal WellLilja Magnúsdóttir 1984-
5.10.2017Notkun raunvilnana við val á þróunarverkefumSnorri Sigurðsson 1991-
1.11.2022Numerical modeling in reinjection of geothermal sandstone reservoir : a case study in North Shandong, ChinaZichun Zhang 1993-
3.8.2016Optimization model for assigning teachers to classesInga Lilja Eiríksdóttir 1986-
23.6.2020Optimizing transportation of forest seedlings for the Icelandic Forest ServiceBrynjar Gauti Snorrason 1992-
19.6.2019Predicting weather-related transmission line failures using machine learningRoddy Akeel 1993-
28.5.2015Predictive techniques applied to geothermal power plants dataNunez, Oscar Fernando Cideos, 1984-
21.1.2025Process modeling and operational analysis of thermal and Eeectrical energy production in Hellisheiði geothermal power plant using symmetry softwareArnar Singh Helgason 1997-
8.1.2025Reiknilíkan fyrir breytta varmaframleiðslu NesjavallavirkjunarErla Írena Hallmarsdóttir 2001-
18.6.2024Short-term operational model for the Icelandic transmission systemArnbjörg Arnardóttir 1992-
6.10.2008Spálíkan fyrir úrslit leikja í íslensku knattspyrnunniBragi Bragason 1981-
5.10.2017Tool for Mapping the Organization of Product InnovationAðalheiður Guðjónsdóttir 1993-
6.6.2023Unsupervised anomaly detection in financial transactionsHafsteinn Atli Stefánsson 1996-
26.1.2023Vatnajökull surface mass balance - a weighted linear regression modelMarta Björgvinsdóttir 1987-
26.5.2023Viability of automatic resource schedulingAron Ásmundsson 1999-; Eyþór Helgason 1999-
1.7.2019Viðskiptalíkan DRDonna Kristjana Peters 1977-