23.6.2021 | Áhrif safnastefnu : rannsókn á því hvernig safnastefna á sviði menningarminja hefur nýst íslenskum söfnum | Eva Kristín Dal 1985- |
23.6.2021 | Áhrif spjaldtölva á gæði og framþróun kennslu | Hrafnhildur Georgsdóttir 1976- |
11.9.2012 | Áhættustjórnun á miðhálendi Íslands | Sigurjón Hjartarson 1958- |
15.6.2022 | Álagning rekstraraðila : hver er afraksturinn? | Sigurður Jensson 1967- |
4.8.2016 | Árangur með ánægju : nýjungar og framtíðarsýn í starfsmannastjórnun á Íslandi | Halla Helgadóttir 1976- |
6.6.2019 | Áætlanir á viðtökuprófunum við innleiðingu hugbúnaðar : hvernig og hvenær eru viðtökuprófanir áætlaðar við innleiðingu hugbúnaðar | Bjarnveig S. Guðjónsdóttir 1966- |
24.6.2021 | The battle of the hard and the soft? : a discourse analysis of the influence of professional language | Guðrún Guðjónsdóttir 1986- |
22.6.2022 | Beginning with your end : sustainable dying in the context of project management | Aníta Ísey Jónsdóttir 1993- |
12.9.2017 | Benchmarking best practice : excellence in rehabilitation, recovery and social reintegration for people with substance abuse problems | Helga Sif Friðjónsdóttir 1975- |
23.6.2021 | Benefits and challenges of remote work : the management of remote work in organizations that excel in their management practices | Sigríður Svava Sandholt 1977- |
22.6.2020 | Benefits of portfolio management systems | Hafþór Þórarinsson 1970- |
8.8.2016 | BESTA starfsumhverfið : forgreining fyrir innleiðingu „Better ways of working“ fyrir Vodafone á Íslandi | Sif Sturludóttir 1981- |
22.6.2020 | Betri kennari fyrir vikið : viðbrögð við og lærdómur af krísustjórnun skólahalds í Reykhólahreppi vegna samkomubanns út af COVID-19 | Ágústa Ýr Sveinsdóttir 1989- |
8.6.2023 | Blue Lagoon strategy : boosting employee satisfaction and engagement through Blue Lagoon strategy in staff management | Elfa Dögg Ragnarsdóttir 1991- |
29.8.2013 | Bringing out the best : validating the ICB-3 behavioural competence assessment survey for the maturation of the project management profession | Ósk Sigurðardóttir 1975- |
23.6.2021 | Can improv improve teamwork? : how can the tools of improv be used by leaders to create high performing teams by improving active listening, increasing psychological safety and, as a result, boosting creativity? | Guðný Birna Ármannsdóttir 1980- |
18.6.2020 | Cloud adoption challenges : what are the primary challenges for organisations when conducting cloud adoption projects? | Árni Þór Jónsson 1974- |
6.6.2019 | Communicating vision and strategy from leaders to front line : methodology and best practice to translate and communicate vision and strategy for strategic programs from leaders to front line | Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson 1970- |
29.8.2013 | Continuous improvement projects in certified organizations in Iceland: traditional projects or not? | Sigríður Jónsdóttir 1964- |
22.6.2020 | The COVID-19 crisis | Anna Gunnlaug Friðriksdóttir 1987- |
29.8.2013 | Decisive complexity : the NLSH decision making process compared with theoretical decision making models | Hans Gústafsson 1960- |
10.11.2016 | Definition of done in practice | Björgólfur Guðbjörnsson 1985- |
14.6.2023 | Design sprint literature study : a secondary research | Leó Gunnar Víðisson 1994-; Steinar Örn Jónsson 1983- |
7.6.2023 | Do Icelandic startups dream of project management? : exploring the experience of participants in Icelandic business accelerators | Jóhannes Ingi Árnason 1982-; Sigrún Inga Kristinsdóttir 1971- |
13.6.2019 | Does simulation improve learning outcomes for project managers? : if so which competence areas of the eye of competence are affected the most? | María Helen Eiðsdóttir 1977- |