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Efnisorð 26 til 50 af 95
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
1.2.2011Eireks saga víðförlaMusikas, Claire, 1986-
18.12.2015Elves: From The Eddas To LegolasAndré, Capucine Nathalie Marie, 1987-
5.10.2008Facsimiles of Medieval Icelandic ManuscriptsColceriu, Natalie Julia 1981-
1.2.2011Footnotes on life. Marginalia in three medieval Icelandic manuscriptsSchott, Christine M., 1983-
3.5.2022From Barbarian to Life Style Models: Reception of Viking Age Scandinavia Alimentation through Medieval Texts and Modern CookbooksMichelle Rosas 1996-
20.1.2017From inn to hinn: Independent Definite Article in Old Icelandic and Acquisition of Word-Initial h- in the 13th and 14th CenturiesBrenden Driscoll 1989-
13.9.2022From the Temple to your Pocket: The Roles, Types, and Contexts of Idols in Nordic Paganism, 400-1100 ADGiorgia Sottotetti 1996-
13.9.2010Gestr the Wise. Prophetic Characterization in the ÍslendingasögurPutnam, Alita, 1981-
4.5.2012A Giantess Deceived: A Reinvestigation into the Origins and Functions of Hávamál Stanzas 104-110 in the Light of Sacral KingshipKnight, Dorian Robert Heaton, 1984-
4.5.2017Gods of the Shadows: Skaufhalabálkur and the Icelandic FoxGrayson Del Faro Stocks 1990-
13.1.2016Gorms saga gamla og Þorkels saga aðalfara: Tilfærsla og þróun fram til 1900Teresa Dröfn Njarðvík 1991-
2.5.2019Hallgrímur Pétursson's Króka-Refs rímur. An editorial survey on the earliest manuscriptsLea Debora Pokorny 1995-
1.7.2013Hungrvaka. TranslationBasset, Camilla, 1981-
3.5.2022Ice Ice Lady, Made to be Maiden? An analysis of the reception of Viking women throughout cinematic history.Katia Saci 1996-
5.9.2014The Icelandic Folktales about Magician-Priests: Origins and Significance in the CultureSolovyeva, Anna, 1991-
10.9.2012The Implications of Knowledge Acquisition in Hávamál and Sigrdrífumál. A multidisciplinary approach to Eddic Wisdom PoetryRocha, Carlos Osvaldo,1984-
13.9.2011The Inner Exiles. Outlaws and Scapegoating Process in Grettis saga Ásmundarsonar and Gísla saga SúrssonarPoilvez, Marion, 1986-
7.9.2020Is Njáll a Compatibilist?: Aristotelian Voluntary Action in Njáls sagaJen Semler 1997-
3.5.2019Íslenskir annálar: Sjónarhorn og áhrifavaldarBjartur Logi Fránn Gunnarsson 1992-
10.5.2011Kongelighed og hellighed i Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar af Oddr Snorrason. Undersøgelse af genre og ideologi i tidlig norrøn litteraturTorfing, Lisbeth Heidemann, 1987-
7.9.2012The Language of Birds in Old Norse TraditionBourns, Timothy, 1987-
11.5.2010Linguistic Variation and Scribal Practice in Medieval Iceland: A study of five 14th-century manuscriptsJohnstone, Claire Christina, 1985-
5.9.2014Literary Architecture and Meaning in Orkneyinga sagaGrayburn, Jennifer, 1985-
3.5.2022Longships in the Gutter: Reception of Medieval Norse Culture in Comics and Graphic NovelsYaledma Ayala Sepúlveda 1993-
5.5.2022Looks, Lineage, and Lost Limbs: Giants and Dismemberment in the Translated RiddarasögurAnthony Jay Bunker 1992-