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Efnisorð 26 til 50 af 56
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
1.10.2015Improving Spring Melt Calculations of Surface Runoff in the Upper Þjórsá River Using Measured Snow AccumulationReynir Óli Þorsteinsson 1982-
1.2.2021Influence of repeated freeze-thaw cycles on the infiltration of Icelandic AndosolsBjarni Halldórsson 1994-
1.6.2016Interpretation of Feed Zones to Map Sub-Surface Permeability Structures and Natural State Simulation: A Case Study of Olkaria Domes Geothermal System in KenyaMbithi, Urbanus Kioko, 1980-
30.9.2013Investigation of the Complex Flow in High Energy Spillways by Means of Computational Modelling and ExperimentsFranke, Kevin, 1981-
2.6.2016Key Factors for the Implementation of Sustainable Drainage Systems in IcelandEyrún Pétursdóttir 1983-
14.4.2014Mapping Evaluation of the Future Arctic, Implications for IcelandKjartan Elíasson 1983-
23.1.2020Mat á aftaka sjávarflóðum: Innleiðing aðferða sem byggist á samlíkum útgildaBryndís Tryggvadóttir 1990-
26.8.2021Membrane Fouling alleviation in pressure-retarded osmosis process for osmotic power generationSigurður John Einarsson 1996-
23.5.2022Membrane-based Algal Harvesting Process: Process design and Nutrient recoveryMagnea Freyja Kristjánsdóttir 1989-
1.6.2021Membrane-based Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Icelandic ScenarioSif Guðjónsdóttir 1995-
6.6.2014Methane Emissions from Icelandic LandfillsGuðrún Meyvantsdóttir 1982-
31.1.2014Microbial methane oxidation at the Fíflholt landfill in IcelandAlexandra Kjeld 1983-
4.2.2013Model Investigations of a Juvenile Fish Bypass System at Urriðafoss HEPÁgúst Guðmundsson 1985-
29.5.2015Orkumiðlun milli árstíða. Varmageymsla á ÍsafirðiRobert Pajdak 1988-
6.6.2014Possible impacts of climate change on the wind energy potential in BúrfellBirta Kristín Helgadóttir 1988-
7.6.2010Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment for the Geothermal Field Chachimbiro in Ecuador. A Case Comparison with Bjarnarflag Geothermal Field in IcelandRodas, Mario A., 1979-
30.9.2022The reflection of the pro-climate attitudes of Nordic consumers in their carbon footprintsTolkyn Abdirova 1991-
16.6.2010Removal of heavy metals in a wet detention pond in ReykjavikGuðbjörg Esther G. Vollertsen 1983-
20.12.2016Samgöngur erlendra ferðamanna á Íslandi, viðhorfskönnun á akstursskilyrðumSigríður Lilja Skúladóttir 1987-
31.5.2016Samspil grunnvatns og rennslis TungnaárSnævarr Örn Georgsson 1990-
24.1.2017Standard FA sement á Íslandi - Sement með flugösku sem aðalíauka, áhrif hennar og aðrir þættirBirgir Pétursson 1991-
5.10.2012Straumfræðileg hermun jökulhlaups niður suðurhlíðar Eyjafjallajökuls í apríl 2010: Ákvörðun ManningsstuðlaMagnús Bernhard Gíslason 1985-
27.5.2014Súrefnisbúskapur í þveruðum fjörðum og útskolun efna með sjávarföllumLilja Oddsdóttir 1985-
27.5.2013Tengsl mælds gangahrýfis við straumfræðilegt hrýfiAnna Heiður Eydísardóttir 1986-
2.6.2017Tengsl niðurgangstilfella við frávik í vatnsveitum og mikla úrkomuSturla Sigurðarson 1990-