8.5.2018 | Áhrifaþættir kláms, klámvæðingar og klámnotkunar á unglinga: Er hægt að þróa með sér klámfíkn? | Alexander Freyr Olgeirsson 1991- |
11.9.2018 | Fjölmiðlar og klámvæðing: Áhrif þeirra á líkamsímynd | Ellen Rós Hansdóttir 1991- |
2.6.2020 | Does watching pornography affect masculine body image and penis size ideas that affects erectile dysfunction in young heterosexual men? | Anna Björk Björgvinsdóttir 1998- |
14.6.2021 | Pornography : gender differences in pornography usage, category, motivational basis, and frequency | Hildur Emilsdóttir 1997- |
16.5.2022 | Klámvandi: Falinn vandi sem enga athygli fær | Egill Gylfason 1985- |
21.6.2022 | The impact of pornography consumption on individuals´ sexual well-being | Karitas Birgisdóttir 1999- |
17.10.2022 | The association between online pornography use and adolescents’ well-being | Þórunn Lea Sigurðardóttir 1999- |
5.6.2023 | “Men will sexualize you anyway, so why shouldn’t I profit from it?”: exploring the well-being impacts of sex work on the subscription-based platform, OnlyFans | Anna Júlía Magnúsdóttir 1999- |
7.6.2023 | Usage and attitudes toward pornography among young adults in Iceland | Ingunn Eva Reynisdóttir 2000- |
5.1.2024 | Hart kynlíf - frelsi eða fjötrar? Erótík, klám og kynlíf kvenna undir áhrifum póstfemínismans | Lilja Reykdal Snorradóttir 1999- |
3.6.2024 | Women and pornography : do women watch pornography and what are their experiences in their sexual lives? | Katrín Jónsdóttir 2001- |