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Efnisorð 1 til 17 af 17
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
24.6.2020Adjunctive behavioral activation for bipolar I disorder : single caseEdda Sigfúsdóttir 1989-
19.1.2023Automatic behavior classification of aquatic animals in underwater videosOrri Steinn Guðfinnsson 1997-
12.6.2018Behaviour, emotions and wearable technologyWallström, Anna Norea Persdotter, 1992-
29.8.2013Bringing out the best : validating the ICB-3 behavioural competence assessment survey for the maturation of the project management professionÓsk Sigurðardóttir 1975-
7.6.2018Discrete trial teaching as an intervention for language delay; Multilingual children at risk for language delaysRagna Dögg Magnúsdóttir 1991-
29.5.2019The effect of unconscious bias : are the genders judged differently for the same conduct?Vaka Vigfúsdóttir 1995-
24.6.2021Evaluation of modified behavioral skills training for teaching sleep treatment skills to parents via telehealthHerdís Ingibjörg A. Svansdóttir 1988-
10.8.2016Improving waste sorting behavior in a university environment with visual prompt stimulusÓskar Ólafsson 1991-
20.1.2020Optimization of gate display times at Keflavik International AirportGuðmundur Karl Gautason 1986-
20.6.2017Predictive factors of Facebook trolling behaviourAníta Hrund Sveinsdóttir 1989-
27.6.2022The psychometric properties of the covert and overt reassurance seeking inventory (CORSI) in an Icelandic sample and the relationship between worries and reassurance seekingVignir Fannar Valgeirsson 1994-
14.5.2019Psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of Worry Behaviours Inventory (WBI) in clinical and non-clinical samplesÁsta Sigurðardóttir 1983-
24.8.2015Recidivism among Icelandic Prison Inmates Released in 2009-2011Kjartan Örn Yeoman 1990-
1.8.2012Recidivist offenders in Iceland: What type of crimes do they commit and what are the distinctive features of their offences?Erla Guðmundsdóttir 1972-
26.1.2023Training staff in a secure psychiatric unit to set boundaries and communicate empathetically with patientsMargrét G. Kristjánsson 1990-
9.6.2020The use of whole interval recording as registration method for independent on-task behavior of a student with autism-spectrum disorderHrefna Borg Brynjarsdóttir 1997-
23.9.2013Using Video Modeling via iPad to Improve the Participation of a Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in Reciprocal Play with PeersElín Anna Baldursdóttir 1988-