29.8.2013 | Aligning targeted marketing with academic program development goals – case study of MPM program | Kristín Stefanía Þórarinsdóttir 1978- |
13.6.2018 | The Captain's Competition View | Elín Þóra Ellertsdóttir 1990-; Þorgerður Edda Jónsdóttir 1993- |
13.10.2010 | Children’s Fundamental Human Rights to Education: A comparative look at litigations that have helped to shape this concept | Saint Paul Edeh 1979- |
14.3.2012 | Education as a human right : inclusion and social justice | Saint Paul Edeh 1979- |
23.6.2022 | The effect of family communication patterns and social support on physical and achievement vanity | Tinna Rós Sigurðardóttir 1988- |
6.6.2023 | Employment and adults with autism : what is the employment status for autistic adults in Iceland : challenges and obstacles | Camilla Rós Þrastardóttir 1998-; Lovísa Kristín Þórðardóttir 2000- |
24.5.2023 | Escaping cyber attacks | Jón Goði Ingvarsson 1999-; Jóna Karen Þorbjörnsdóttir 2001-; Rut Tryggvadóttir 2000- |
12.6.2023 | Exploring the role of technology in education : a review of key themes within educational technology | Ófeigur Númi Halldórsson 2000- |
30.1.2024 | Fostering future CDIO talent in Icelandic engineers : a study of engineering education in Iceland | Ágústa Margrét Ólafsdóttir 1996- |
2.7.2020 | Ghana education and impact of traditional cultures on students learning | Samuel Antwi 1989- |
22.6.2015 | Kynslóðabrúin : hvað ungur nemur gamall temur þá ungur temur gamall nemur | Magnús Gylfi Gunnlaugsson 1969- |
1.7.2022 | The need for critical pedagogy and collabrative learning : a reflection on the educational systems of Uganda, Ghana, and the International Studies in Education Program (ISEP) at the University of Iceland | Emmanuel Mawuli Adom 1987-; Birungi Marion 1977- |
22.7.2013 | Non-governmental organisations and education for sustainable development : two case studies in Iceland | Drífa Guðmundsdóttir 1983- |
11.8.2016 | Norms for the Icelandic version of the ACE-III : effects of age and education | Una Sólveig Jóakimsdóttir 1992- |
9.9.2016 | Parents reaching beyond home : dispositions of immigrant parents towards their young adolescent's academic experiences | Elizabeth Lay 1976- |
6.6.2024 | Parents' perspective on parental education course : "are you connecting? upbringing, attachment, and parenthood" | Helga Margrét Haraldsdóttir 1985- |
20.6.2022 | Public awareness in Iceland of the long-term consequences of childhood sexual abuse | Helga Ýr Jörgensen 1998- |
15.6.2021 | Public knowledge about modifiable risk factors of dementia in Iceland | Stefanía Ýr Hannesdóttir 1999- |
6.8.2013 | Single-parent immigrant families in Iceland : lives and educational experiences of their children | Fuhui Chen 1986- |
1.10.2019 | Staða faggreinar skipulagsfræðinga á Íslandi | Sigurður Steinar Jónsson 1965- |
27.6.2022 | Student teachers’ perspectives on ESD in two cases in Bayern and Baden Württemberg : understanding, experiences, anticipated obstacles and opportunities | Lea Felicitas Müller 1996- |
4.6.2024 | The use of force and coercion in community settings for people with psychological and developmental disabilities in Iceland | Rannveig Karlsdóttir 1999- |