7.6.2022 | Áhrif staðhátta og gróðurfars á birkiplöntur í Hekluskógum | Hanna Björk Hafþórsdóttir 1973- |
2.6.2017 | Holistic wetland restoration: Can participatory approaches help to reach it? | Victor Francisco Pajuelo Madrigal 1987- |
31.5.2019 | Modelling the Icelandic Land-use System and its Impact on Biodiversity and Carbon Storage with Focus on Wetlands | Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Tobias, 1993- |
16.6.2020 | Reference conditions for restoring an estuary at the mouth of the Colorado River : Tijuana Estuary and the shelly record at Isla Montague | Bellow, Dakota Nicole, 1996- |
25.5.2018 | Sannprófun mótvægisaðgerða vegna vegaframkvæmda: Skilar endurheimt votlendis tilætluðum árangri? | Þórdís Björt Sigþórsdóttir 1989- |