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Verk með efnisorðið 'Inflation (Finance)'

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Efnisorð 1 til 3 af 3
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
11.6.2018Do Tariff Rates Have an Effect on Inflation The Causal relationship between the two Evidence from IcelandÓlafur Freyr Ólafsson 1996-
7.6.2023Models for asset price bubblesGunnar Hinrik Hafsteinsson 1997-
10.6.2024Price Webs : a panel analysis of the changes in the estimated dependence structure of CPI-subgroups using sparse precision matricesElena Dís Ásgeirsdóttir 2001-; Tryggvi Þór Þórhallsson Bergstað 2003-