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Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 95
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
23.5.20243D-density model using gravity data and a Play Fairway Analysis to evaluate the most favorable drilling targets in Berlín Geothermal Field, El SalvadorMayra Raquel Hernandez Cabrera 1987-
3.10.2024Aeromagnetic study and analysis of the Fagradalsfjall 2021 lava using a simple thermal forward modelJóhanna Malen Skúladóttir 1999-
28.5.2015Aflögunarmælingar í ísgöngum í Langjökli bornar saman við líkön Van Der Veen og Nye með næmnigreininguSif Pétursdóttir 1992-
26.5.2014Analysis of seismic activity on the western part of the Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland, December 2008 - May 2009Egill Árni Guðnason 1985-
23.5.2024Analysis, 2D and 1D Joint Inversion of Magnetotelluric and Transient Electromagnetic Data from Buranga Geothermal Prospect, UgandaFred Ssemuyaba 1986-
19.12.2016Atmospheric Sounding by TAMDAR over Keflavík Airport, Iceland - Comparison with Traditional Atmospheric Sounding MethodsArnór Tumi Jóhannsson 1992-
3.10.2024Automated Mapping of Lava: Classification of the Lava Flow Field from the 2021 Fagradalsfjall EruptionCaroline Montagnino Corona 2000-
29.5.2017Áhrif berghrunsflóðsurðarinnar frá 2007 á hraðasvið MorsárjökulsSigurður Ragnarsson 1993-
30.5.2023Áhrif massataps Grænlandsísbreiðu á sjávarstöðu umhverfis ÍslandBerglind Pétursdóttir 1999-
1.6.2011Áhrif veðurs og landslags á snjóflóð í Svarfaðardal og nágrenni, eðli þeirra og umfangSveinn Brynjólfsson 1975-
13.9.2019The Borinquen Geothermal Area, Costa Rica: 1D and 3D inversion of resistivity data Geological/Geothermal interpretationBadilla Elizondo, Diego, 1984-
21.5.2024Breytingar á stærð Norðurdalslóns og hegðun jökulhlaupa: Þróun jökulstíflaðs lóns við austurjaðar SkeiðarárjökulsEva Björk Sverrisdóttir 2000-
17.5.2024Bulk density of the 2021 lava in Nátthagi, Reykjanes Peninsula, estimated with gravimetryAron Daði Bjarnason 2002-
30.5.2023Characterizing Tremor Signals of the 2015-2021 Skaftárkatlar JökulhlaupsBethany Erin Vanderhoof 1996-
28.5.2019Comparison of a Numerical Weather Prediction Model with two different Horizontal Resolutions for North-West Iceland: An Analysis of the skill of the Harmonie-Arome model at 2.5 km and 750 m horizontal resolutionsPáll Ágúst Þórarinsson 1995-
30.5.2023Coulomb stress changes on the Reykjanes Peninsula from 1998-2022 and earthquake triggeringÁslaug Gyða Birgisdóttir 2000-
29.5.2015Densification of Firn on Langjökull Glacier, IcelandHulda Rós Helgadóttir 1991-
10.10.2019The effects of a slope angle, inversion strength and the eddy transfer coefficient on katabatic windsIngibjörg Jóhannesdóttir 1994-
16.10.2018Electrical Resistivity Structure of Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic System based on Electromagnetic DataEsteban Pineda 1989-
16.5.2011Electromagnetic methods in geothermal exploration. 1D and 3D inversion for a synthetic geothermal area and the Hengill geothermal area, SW IcelandGuðni Karl Rosenkjær 1983-
1.9.2023Estimating deformation source parameters using a 3D elastic finite element model including topography and crustal heterogeneity at Askja, Iceland.Catherine O'Hara 1999-
29.1.2021Estimating snow accumulation on Mýrdalsjökull and Öræfajökull with snow radar using Discrete Gabor Transform for image analysis. Implications to the mass balance of ice cauldrons.Krista Hannesdóttir 1980-
20.5.2010Evidence for a subsurface ocean on EuropaSigríður Kristjánsdóttir 1981-
22.11.2012The fissure swarm of the Askja central volcanoÁsta Rut Hjartardóttir 1978-
27.4.2012The Fissure Swarm of Tungnafellsjökull: Recent movementsÞórhildur Björnsdóttir 1983-