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Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 155
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
15.6.20223D conceptual and numerical model of Geyser Valley, Wairakei geothermal field New ZealandMadison Lin Mackenzie 1995-
22.1.20203D conceptual model Hvíthólar sub-area, Krafla Geothermal Field IcelandNataly Castillo Ruiz 1993-
29.9.2017A 3D geological static field model of the Krafla geothermal area; constructing a workflow for the Pico Alto geothermal areaUnnur Þorsteinsdóttir 1992-
8.2.2010A Sustainability Assessment Protocol for Geothermal UtilizationShortall, Ruth, 1981-
8.10.2018AERMOD Modeling of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Concentration from Geothermal Power Plants in Ulubelu, Indonesia, and Hellisheidi-Nesjavellir, IcelandIrma Khoirunissa 1979-
13.10.2014Airflow and energy analysis in geothermally heated conveyor drying of fishboneMagnús Kári Ingvarsson 1988-
23.3.2017Algorithm for optimal well placement in geothermal systems based on TOUGH2 modelsDagur Helgason 1988-
18.6.2019Alternative heating systems for northern remote communities : techno-economic analysis of ground-source heat pumps in Kuujjuaq, Nunavik, CanadaGunawan, Evelyn, 1995-
18.2.2016Analysing the geothermal project life cycle by using the design structure matrixWitt, Magnus de 1988-
3.5.2012Aquifer fluid modeling and assessment of mineral-gas-liquid equilibria in the Námafjall geothermal system, NE-IcelandMalimo, Sylvia Joan, 1982-
25.5.2012Assessment and management of sedimentary geothermal resourcesHuang, Jiachao, 1983-
18.2.2014Athugun á auknum möguleika á notkun tvívökva jarðvarmavirkjana hér á landiNjáll Gunnarsson 1990-
8.1.2025Aukin dýptargeta öxuldælnaTandri Snær Traustason 2000-
5.10.2011Berggrunnur og jarðhitaummyndun Gráuhnúkakerfis á sunnanverðu HengilssvæðiHelga Margrét Helgadóttir 1974-
15.9.2016Besta nýting jarðhitakerfis: Samþætting auðlindar og hagrænna þáttaSigurður Björnsson 1987-
1.1.2007Bioprospecting for antimicrobial activity at the hydrothermal vent site in EyjafjörðurArnheiður Eyþórsdóttir
14.2.2011Bílskúr HveragerðiAnna Svavarsdóttir 1973-; Sturla Ásgeirsson 1980-
13.9.2019The Borinquen Geothermal Area, Costa Rica: 1D and 3D inversion of resistivity data Geological/Geothermal interpretationBadilla Elizondo, Diego, 1984-
3.11.2021CFD analysis of heat storage and recovery from geothermal water exiting the space heating radiator using phase change materialDaiki Masumoto 1995-
15.6.2022Comparing binary ORC systems in a single unit and a modular cascade configuration, using an ORC model for a low temperature geothermal resourceHjörleifur Þór Steingrímsson 1994-
31.8.2017Complexity analysis of lumped parameter models : development of complexity reduction algorithmYuxi Li 1991-
3.6.2016Composition of garnets in the fossil geothermal system of HafnarfjallHaraldur Sigurjónsson 1987-
15.6.2022A comprehensive assessment of Hveragerði's geothermal district heating system via thermohydraulic modeling and simulationCorey Scott Harpe 1995-
30.9.2015Corrosion Behaviour of Materials in H2S Abatement System for Geothermal Power PlantsSölvi Már Hjaltason 1987-
27.2.2015Design of Steam Gathering System for Menengai Geothermal Field, KenyaOnyango, Stephen Odhiambo, 1980-