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19.6.2019 | Field notes | Perry, Katrina Jane, 1983- |
11.6.2018 | For Gaia : artistic gestures to alter the power paradigm | Högström, Hillevi Cecilia Ulla, 1994- |
11.6.2018 | Generative design : how the emulation of natural systems enhances the design process | Cruz, Andrés Julián León, 1980- |
11.6.2018 | Hosts and Guests : an investigation of moral value systems in relation to nature | Uerkvitz, Clara Bro, 1992- |
22.6.2015 | Hvernig má vekja áhuga hjá börnum fyrir framandi fyrirbærum í náttúrunni í gegnum myndlistarverkefni? | Sigurrós Svava Ólafsdóttir 1983- |
11.6.2018 | Let's be in touch | Guðrún Margrét Ansnes Jóhannsdóttir 1971- |
27.9.2019 | Might yet still be | Mencagli, Elsa, 1990- |
10.6.2014 | A natural order of things | Toriseva, Andreas Jari Juhani, 1988- |
13.6.2017 | Nature's perspective : an object-oriented ontological interpretation of nature in tourism, in times of global warming | Parada, Maria Enriqueta Saenz, 1968- |
20.6.2017 | SERENDIPITOURS | Parada, Maria Enriqueta Saenz, 1968- |
27.6.2014 | SlowTreat askur : how to take eco-friendly food on a hiking trip without using disposable packaging | Björg Vilhjálmsdóttir 1965- |
12.6.2017 | Symbiosis of human and water in the anthropocene | Havsteen-Mikkelsen, Gudrun E., 1992- |
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