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13.4.2011 | Gas Chemistry of the Hellisheidi Geothermal System | Samuel Warren Scott 1987- |
25.1.2011 | Profitability Assessment for a Tidal Power Plant at the Mouth of Hvammsfjörður, Iceland | Níels Sveinsson 1972- |
27.1.2011 | Reservoir Assessment of the Ölfus-Bakki Low-Temperature Geothermal Area, SW Iceland | Gonzalez-Garcia, Javier, 1984- |
8.6.2017 | Sjálfbær þróun orkumála á Íslandi. Efling nýtingar og framleiðslu endurnýjanlegs metanóls til samgangna | Rafn Helgason 1990- |
27.1.2010 | Wind power pumped storage system for hydropower plants | Árni Vignir Pálmason 1963- |