13.6.2019 | Applied empathy : a new tool in project management | Ingibjörg Guðrún Guðjónsdóttir 1966-; Melkorka Jónsdóttir 1972- |
29.5.2024 | Child protection services ‘experience of Barnahus services and service delivery in Iceland | Bryndís Arna Bridde 2000-; Hekla Björk Hreggviðsdóttir 1998- |
28.9.2021 | Gender equality in virtual teams : comparison of gender equality in virtual teams and physical teams with regards to behavior- and performance-related factors | Kevin Matthias Henry 1995- |
11.9.2017 | How far can simulation be used to improve inter-team dynamics between emergency teams? | Börkur Brynjarsson 1972- |
22.6.2022 | Playful leadership : can a board game improve project team dynamics? | Bergur Hallgrímsson 1983- |
8.9.2015 | The positive project team : the impact of positive affectivity on project success | Hafdís Huld Björnsdóttir 1986- |
10.6.2021 | The relation between teamwork, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the workplace | Breki Arnarsson 1996- |
24.6.2021 | The scrum master's responsibilities in distributed work | Hrund Valgeirsdóttir 1974- |
22.6.2020 | Train hard, fight easy : teams in extreme environments | Bryndís Ósk Björnsdóttir 1978- |
4.9.2014 | Virtual teams and virtual meetings : investigating the conventional wisdom that face-to-face communication is better | Stefán Guðjohnsen 1969- |