2.9.2024 | Af máli má manninn þekkja? : rannsókn á mikilvægi tungumálakunnáttu í íslenskri ferðaþjónustu | Guðmundur Franklín Jónsson 1963- |
8.8.2024 | Analyzing the english language hierarchy : how globalization affects language inequality in the Philippines | Rosette Nelle Buniao Blasco 1995-; Kristine Cabrera Elizalde 1983- |
28.6.2012 | Attitudes towards languages and cultures of young Polish adolescents in Iceland | Berman, Robert , 1949-; Samuel C. Lefever 1954-; Anna Katarzyna Wozniczka 1983- |
8.5.2012 | English Encountered by Icelandic Children. Is English becoming the second language of Iceland’s youth? | Þóranna Hrönn Þórsdóttir 1985- |
23.9.2011 | English or Icelandic? A False Dichotomy in a Modern Global Society | Ólöf Ásdís Baldvinsdóttir 1967- |
31.3.2011 | English skills of young learners in Iceland : “I started talking English when I was 4 years old. It just bang… just fall into me.” | Samuel C. Lefever 1954- |
11.10.2010 | Enskukunnátta nemenda í 2. bekk | Erla Bára Ragnarsdóttir 1985- |
30.6.2021 | An immigrant educator's perspective on living experiences and challenges in an Icelandic preschool | Lorena Obeja Cepeda 1993-; Baby Joy Monares Salientes 1992- |
15.6.2022 | The importance of friendship and school participation on perceived social support and language proficiency for child and youth asylum-seekers in Iceland | Dagbjört Edda Sverrisdóttir 1998- |
16.2.2016 | Islandske studerendes brug af dansk i det første studieår i Danmark | Laufey Jóhannsdóttir 1960- |
16.5.2012 | Language Use by Polish Immigrants in Iceland: English or Icelandic? | Zaorska, Katarzyna Dorota, 1989- |
2.10.2024 | Málkunnátta ungfullorðinna Íslendinga með erlendan bakgrunn í íslensku, ensku og móðurmálinu: Breytingar frá unglingsárum | Guðrún Hafliðadóttir 1980- |
13.9.2011 | Media exposure and English language proficiency levels. A Comparative Study in Iceland and Spain | García Ortega, Sergio, 1976- |
22.10.2013 | Relevance and the L2 Self in the Context of Icelandic Secondary School Learners: Learner Views | Anna Jeeves 1954- |
12.5.2014 | Teaching Academic Writing Through Awareness Raising: Students´ Views | Linda Kristín Ragnarsdóttir 1964- |
7.5.2013 | Use of English in the School of Business at the University of Iceland. Effects of English Language Usage on Quality of Education | Dagný Lára Guðmundsdóttir 1990- |
18.9.2015 | „Tungumálið er smá hindrun á báða aðila.“ Upplifun íslenskra stjórnenda af aðlögun erlendra starfsmanna að skipulagsheild sinni | Anna Alexandra Haraldsdóttir 1991- |