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Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 34
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
11.10.2008A grave revisited. On grave robbery in Viking Age IcelandErna Þórarinsdóttir 1976-
23.1.2020Archaeological Evidence for the Beginning of the Norse Colony in GreenlandČuk, Jaka, 1991-
10.9.2021Common Characteristics of Ritual Practice in the ÍslendingasögurJames T. Hamilton 1997-
3.5.2024Dauðinn mun okkur ei aðskilja: Tvíkuml á víkingaöld á ÍslandiAgla Geirlaug Aradóttir Ringsted 1999-
5.9.2017The Development of Merchant Identity in Viking-Age and Medieval ScandinaviaBenthien, Lars Christian, 1992-
4.5.2023Diaspora Identities in Death: A Comparative Analysis of Ethnically-Expressive Grave Goods from Iceland and IrelandColin Scott McKinstry 1990-
10.9.2021Early Icelandic Scribal Practice: The Representation of Geminate Consonants in 12th- and 13th-Century Icelandic OrthographyGiulia Zorzan 1993-
19.12.2013Food, blood and little white stones: A study of ritual in the Icelandic Viking Age hallJakob Orri Jónsson 1987-
3.5.2022From Barbarian to Life Style Models: Reception of Viking Age Scandinavia Alimentation through Medieval Texts and Modern CookbooksMichelle Rosas 1996-
13.9.2022From the Temple to your Pocket: The Roles, Types, and Contexts of Idols in Nordic Paganism, 400-1100 ADGiorgia Sottotetti 1996-
4.9.2014Grímr-Visaged War: Viking Age Battle, With an Eye to PerformanceShema, Steven Daniel, 1984-
13.9.2023Homeward Bound An Interdisciplinary Approach to The Development of Viking Age IdentitiesHonor Catherine Silvius 1997-
3.5.2022Ice Ice Lady, Made to be Maiden? An analysis of the reception of Viking women throughout cinematic history.Katia Saci 1996-
6.9.2017Í fylgd hins dökkva hrafns. Hrafnar í norrænni goðafræði og trúLanz, Nicolai Gabriel, 1986-
3.5.2022Longships in the Gutter: Reception of Medieval Norse Culture in Comics and Graphic NovelsYaledma Ayala Sepúlveda 1993-
7.9.2017Madjús og Lordomani: Víkingar á ÍberíuskagaSofia Garcia Beltran 1980-
1.6.2010Movement at Mosfell. Routes, Traffic, and Power in a Viking Age Icelandic ValleyConnors, Colin Gioia, 1986-
2.5.2012The orientation of pagan graves in Viking Age IcelandZugaiar, Adriana, 1981-
10.5.2019Rannsókn á beinprjónum á Íslandi frá víkingaöldBjörgvin Már Sigurðsson 1987-
10.9.2021Ritual Wear of Nordic Pre-Christian Practices and Early Christian IcelandChandler Martin 1996-
10.5.2010Roman coins in Iceland. Roman remnants or Viking exoticaDavíð Bjarni Heiðarsson 1982-
11.5.2018Sailing to the AfterlifeÓmar Valur Jónasson 1992-
22.1.2018Silver in Iceland: A HistoryAnn Elizabeth Bailey 1994-
19.1.2012Veiðigryfjur norrænna manna á víkingaöldSigrún Antonsdóttir 1986-
18.5.2020The Viking Rus and the Khazars. Points of Contact in the 9th and 10th centuries.Jones, Elliot Anning, 1995-