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13.2.2017 | CabApp | Arnar Freyr Bjarnason 1994-; Huldar Bjarmi Halldórsson 1993-; Jón Gísli Björgvinsson 1993-; Jón Steinn Elíasson 1987- |
28.5.2020 | Cabin crew VR | Andri Sæmundsson 1984-; Hartmann Ingvarsson 1989-; Njáll Mýrdal Árnason 1980- |
1.2.2011 | CADIA-Player : a general game playing agent | Hilmar Finnsson 1974- |
27.8.2013 | CAD/CAM tölvutækni í tannlækningum. Notkun og útbreiðsla CAD/CAM á Íslandi | Mateev, Alexander, 1990- |
26.8.2014 | Caged contention : the nature and extent of perceived conflict with salmon aquaculture along the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia | Boaler, Chelsea Dawn, 1989- |
30.4.2009 | Calcitonin gene-related peptide 8-37 sem meðferð við psoriasis: Mat á stöðugleika og leit að hentugu lyfjaformi | Jón Pétur Guðmundsson 1984- |
11.5.2018 | Calculating chi-squared test statistics for weighted histograms | Helgi Halldórsson 1994- |
23.6.2022 | Calculating text difficulty for text reading fluency for 1st to 5th grade levels | Andri Einarsson 1999- |
23.5.2014 | Calculation of quantum mechanical rate constants directly from ab initio atomic forces | Andri Arnaldsson 1976- |
1.6.2021 | Calculation of the Quantum Mechanical Effusion Rate out of a 2D Box | Alec Sigurðarson 1999- |
29.5.2015 | Calculations of adsorption and diffusion of H-atom on FCC(100) and BCC(100) transition metal surfaces | Faraj, Avan Anwar, 1970- |
9.6.2016 | Calculations of carbon dioxide electroreduction to hydrocarbons and alcohols | Hussain, Javed, 1983- |
29.2.2016 | Calendar effect on a small stock market | Stefán B. Gunnlaugsson 1970- |
1.7.2020 | A call to arms : using theater to battle bullying among teens in Iceland | Jessica Marie Lo Monaco 1987- |
6.5.2020 | Cambridge Analytica hneykslið og persónuupplýsingar á samfélagsmiðlum. Félags- og fjölmiðlafræðileg úttekt | Katrín Ásta Jóhannsdóttir 1995- |
19.6.2023 | Cameron Anderton M.Mus Thesis | Cameron Anderton 1998- |
12.6.2023 | Caminar sobre el precipicio: El tratamiento narrativo de la crisis de identidad del adolescente en Nefando (2016) y Mandíbula (2018) de Mónica Ojeda y su aplicación en el aula | Carmen Gonzalez Marquez 1997- |
27.8.2015 | Can credit ratings create value for the Icelandic financial market? | Sveinn Héðinsson 1986- |
29.6.2011 | Can democratic states and their democratic values secure a fair and good education for all? | Gregory William Langlais |
20.4.2009 | Can EHR Users in Iceland Prescribe Interprofessional Treatment Plans? Pragmatic Use of Clinical Vocabularies and User Centered Design | Kristín Sólveig Kristjánsdóttir 1972- |
11.6.2019 | Can GAD-7 be used reliably to capture anxiety? Approaching evaluation of item quality using IRT | Hilma Rós Ómarsdóttir 1992- |
23.6.2021 | Can improv improve teamwork? : how can the tools of improv be used by leaders to create high performing teams by improving active listening, increasing psychological safety and, as a result, boosting creativity? | Guðný Birna Ármannsdóttir 1980- |
14.6.2018 | Can it be argued that there is a business case for a new entrant into the waste management industry in Iceland? | Sebastian Jeczelewski 1993- |
10.5.2016 | Can Language Affect Thought? An Overview of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and Examination of the Grammatical Gender in Regard to the Theory | Júlía Kristjánsdóttir 1988- |