2.4.2013 | Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, Responsibility, ethics and legitimacy of corporations (Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2009) | Paganelli, Maria Pia |
24.4.2013 | Joseph V. Femia and Alasdair J. Marshall (eds.), Vilfredo Pareto : beyond disciplinary boundaries (Surrey, England and Burligton, USA: Ashgate, 2012) | Paganelli, Maria Pia |
23.5.2014 | Kathryn Kraft, Searching for heaven in the real world : a sociological discussion of conversion in the Arab world (Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2012) | Paganelli, Maria Pia |
25.3.2013 | Learning from Bjartur about today's Icelandic economic crisis | Paganelli, Maria Pia |