Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
When private companies engage in cross border trade and/or investments in emerging market economies they are faced with risks that are different from risks in domestic markets. Emerging markets can offer opportunities for high returns, but at the same time the risks, including both commercial and non-commercial risks, can be high. Those risks need to be managed. Many private companies in developed economies and their business partners in emerging markets, including Vietnam, do not seem to be aware of the funding options that Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) can offer via their financial tools and risk mitigation instruments. This master´s thesis analyzes the opportunities and the challenges that private companies may face when engaging in trade and investment in emerging markets. The thesis also analyzes and discusses options for using the financial tools and risk mitigation instruments offered by ECAs. The thesis uses a large Multinational Enterprise in Iceland namely Marel Food Systems and four fisheries processors in Vietnam as cases to conduct the research.
Key words: Cross border trade and investment, emerging markets, export credit agencies (ECAs), commercial and non-commercial risks (political risk), funding and risk mitigation instruments, food processing equipment, fisheries sector, Vietnamese fisheries processors, pangasius.
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