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Supply chain management adopts a systematic and integrative approach to managing the operations and relationships in a supply chain. The objective of the manufacturers in the supply chain is to reduce inventory costs and increase customer satisfaction levels. One way of doing so is to improve delivery reliability. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the delivery reliability of Make-to-order productions at Plastprent Ltd. Furthermore, look into and introduce possible ways to improve the company’s delivery reliability. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodology was utilised in the thesis. The qualitative research data consisted of interviews with employees of Plastprent. The quantitative research data was gathered from Plastprent information system from previous year’s delivery reliability and statistical analysis conducted. Moreover, processes that affect the delivery reliability of Plastprent make-to-order products were defined with the help of the supply chain operation reference model and improvements introduced with the model in mind. Principally, the analysis finds that 80% of orders in 2011 were delivered on-time or early. The author recommends that Plastprent defines its delivery reliability objectives to customers and continue improving the reliability. The overall conclusion is that Plastprent delivery reliability is satisfactory but can be improved. Improvements were introduced to help Plastprent achieve better delivery reliability of make-to-order productions.
Keywords: Delivery reliability, Delivery window, Supply chain management, Customer satisfaction, Make-to-order (MTO), Processes.
Áreiðanleiki afhendinga er þáttur sem framleiðslufyrirtæki reyna ná árangri í til þess að auka samkeppnisstöðu sína á markaði. Tilgangur ritgerðarinnar er að greina afhendingar áreiðanleika/öryggi sérframleiddra vara hjá Plastprent hf. Einnig koma með tillögur að betrumbótum til að auka áreiðanleika í afhendingum. Verkefnið greinir þá ferla og þætti sem hafa áhrif á afhendingaröryggið með hjálp Supply chain operation reference líkaninu. Auk þess eru tillögur að betrumbótum kynntar með hugmyndafræði líkansins til hliðsjónar. Helstu niðurstöður verkefnisins eru að afhendingaröryggi Plastprents er ásættanlegt og flestir viðskiptavinir fá vörur sínar afgreiddar á réttum tíma. Ritgerðin hefur skilgreint á skipulagðan hátt afhendingaröryggi sérframleiddrar vara hjá Plastprent undanfarin ár og greint þá ferla sem hafa áhrif á afhendingaröryggið. Einnig voru tillögur kynntar til þess að auka áreiðanleika afhendinga til viðskiptavina.
Lykilorð: Afhendingaröryggi, Afhendingargluggi, Vörustjórnun, Ánægja viðskiptavina, Sérframleiðslur, Ferlar.
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