1.1.2002 | Mortality and injuries of haddock, cod and saithe escaping throught trawl meshes and sorting grids | ÓIafur Arnar Ingólfsson |
1.1.2006 | BioHydrogen : bioprospecting: thermophilic hydrogen producing anaerobes in Icelandic hot-springs | Steinar Rafn Beck Baldursson |
1.1.2006 | Notkun bætibaktería til stýringar örveruflóru fyrir og eftir klak lúðulirfa | Hildigunnur Rut Jónsdóttir |
1.1.2007 | Bioprospecting for antimicrobial activity at the hydrothermal vent site in Eyjafjörður | Arnheiður Eyþórsdóttir |
1.1.2007 | Physiological and phylogentic studies of thermophilic hydrogen oxidizing bacteria from Icelandic hot-springs | Dagný Björk Reynisdóttir |
22.7.2008 | Physiological and phylogenetic studies of thermophilic, hydrogen and sulfur oxidizing bacteria isolated from Icelandic geothermal areas | Hildur Vésteinsdóttir |
25.7.2008 | The effects of temperature in growth of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) | Tómas Árnason |
6.10.2008 | Replacing fish oil in Arctic charr diets : effect on growth, feed utilization and product quality | Bjarni Jónasson |
8.12.2008 | Effect og bioactive products on innate immunity and development of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) larvae | Rut Hermannsdóttir |
2.2.2009 | The effects of cold cathode lights on growth of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.): use of IGF-I as an indicator of growth | Guðbjörg Stella Árnadóttir |
25.6.2009 | Útvistun í opinberri stjórnsýslu : hagræðingarmöguleikar og hindrarnir | Ingibjörg Ösp Stefánsdóttir |
25.6.2009 | Bioethanol : production of ethanol with anaerobic thermophilc mutant strains | Sigríður Helga Sigurðardóttir |
25.6.2009 | BioEthanol : fuel of the future? | Hilma Eiðsdóttir Bakken |
25.6.2009 | Physiological and phylogenetic studies of Caloramator and Thermoanaerobacterium species : ethanol and hydrogen production from complex biomass | Margrét Auður Sigurbjörnsdóttir |
20.7.2009 | Hvort er betra fyrir Ísland að taka upp Bandaríkjadal eða evru? | Ragnheiður Sigurðardóttir |
20.7.2009 | Skipulag íslenskra fyrirtækja undir áhrifum alþjóðavæðingar | Atli Kristjánsson |
20.7.2009 | Feasibility of ranching coastal cod in Northwest Iceland | Jón Eðvald Halldórsson |
21.7.2009 | Er munur á peninga- og gengisstýringu landa eftir stærð? | Jakobína Sigurðardóttir |
21.7.2009 | Alcoa í Fjarðabyggð: alþjóðafyrirtæki á Austfjörðum | Eggert Þór Óskarsson |
21.6.2010 | Strandveiðarnar 2009 : markmið, framgangur og fiskveiðistjórnun | Gísli Halldór Halldórsson |
22.6.2010 | On the importance of including metadata when dealing with Traditional Ecological Knowledge | Dispert, Astrid |
22.6.2010 | Opportunities for Greater Public Participation in the Natural Sciences : A Case Study of the Alde and Ore Futures ICZM Project, Suffolk, UK | Fletcher, Henry |
22.6.2010 | Transforming Realities : Integrated coastal zone management, sustainability and connective aesthetics | Geis, Tanja |
22.6.2010 | Spatial and temporal trends of fifteen noncommercial fin-fish species in Iceland between 1985 and 2009 | Kasper, Jacob Matthew Cheatham |
22.6.2010 | Harnessing tidal energy in the Westfjords | Bjarni M. Jónsson |