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Háskólinn á Akureyri > Viðskipta- og raunvísindasvið > Meistaraprófsritgerðir >
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Dagsetningar 1 til 25 af 338
1.1.2002Mortality and injuries of haddock, cod and saithe escaping throught trawl meshes and sorting gridsÓIafur Arnar Ingólfsson
1.1.2006BioHydrogen : bioprospecting: thermophilic hydrogen producing anaerobes in Icelandic hot-springsSteinar Rafn Beck Baldursson
1.1.2006Notkun bætibaktería til stýringar örveruflóru fyrir og eftir klak lúðulirfaHildigunnur Rut Jónsdóttir
1.1.2007Bioprospecting for antimicrobial activity at the hydrothermal vent site in EyjafjörðurArnheiður Eyþórsdóttir
1.1.2007Physiological and phylogentic studies of thermophilic hydrogen oxidizing bacteria from Icelandic hot-springsDagný Björk Reynisdóttir
22.7.2008Physiological and phylogenetic studies of thermophilic, hydrogen and sulfur oxidizing bacteria isolated from Icelandic geothermal areasHildur Vésteinsdóttir
25.7.2008The effects of temperature in growth of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)Tómas Árnason
6.10.2008Replacing fish oil in Arctic charr diets : effect on growth, feed utilization and product qualityBjarni Jónasson
8.12.2008Effect og bioactive products on innate immunity and development of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) larvaeRut Hermannsdóttir
2.2.2009The effects of cold cathode lights on growth of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.): use of IGF-I as an indicator of growthGuðbjörg Stella Árnadóttir
25.6.2009Útvistun í opinberri stjórnsýslu : hagræðingarmöguleikar og hindrarnirIngibjörg Ösp Stefánsdóttir
25.6.2009Bioethanol : production of ethanol with anaerobic thermophilc mutant strainsSigríður Helga Sigurðardóttir
25.6.2009BioEthanol : fuel of the future?Hilma Eiðsdóttir Bakken
25.6.2009Physiological and phylogenetic studies of Caloramator and Thermoanaerobacterium species : ethanol and hydrogen production from complex biomassMargrét Auður Sigurbjörnsdóttir
20.7.2009Hvort er betra fyrir Ísland að taka upp Bandaríkjadal eða evru?Ragnheiður Sigurðardóttir
20.7.2009Skipulag íslenskra fyrirtækja undir áhrifum alþjóðavæðingarAtli Kristjánsson
20.7.2009Feasibility of ranching coastal cod in Northwest IcelandJón Eðvald Halldórsson
21.7.2009Er munur á peninga- og gengisstýringu landa eftir stærð?Jakobína Sigurðardóttir
21.7.2009Alcoa í Fjarðabyggð: alþjóðafyrirtæki á AustfjörðumEggert Þór Óskarsson
21.6.2010Strandveiðarnar 2009 : markmið, framgangur og fiskveiðistjórnunGísli Halldór Halldórsson
22.6.2010On the importance of including metadata when dealing with Traditional Ecological KnowledgeDispert, Astrid
22.6.2010Opportunities for Greater Public Participation in the Natural Sciences : A Case Study of the Alde and Ore Futures ICZM Project, Suffolk, UKFletcher, Henry
22.6.2010Transforming Realities : Integrated coastal zone management, sustainability and connective aestheticsGeis, Tanja
22.6.2010Spatial and temporal trends of fifteen noncommercial fin-fish species in Iceland between 1985 and 2009Kasper, Jacob Matthew Cheatham
22.6.2010Harnessing tidal energy in the WestfjordsBjarni M. Jónsson