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Titlar 26 til 50 af 338
18.6.2018An assessment of the trophic ecology of escaped farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in relation to native salmonids in the Westfjords, IcelandSimmons, Olivia Meredith, 1994-
16.6.2020An assessment of whale watching impacts on the behaviour of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Skjálfandi Bay, IcelandVatcher, Hanna, 1993-
23.5.2011Áhrif starfsánægju og búsetuskilyrða á hreyfanleika fólks á AusturlandiAnna Björk Hjaltadóttir
24.6.2014Árangursvísar í rekstri : núverandi notkun hjá Norðuráli - tækifæri til endurbóta og mögulegrar innleiðingar á mælaborði stjórnendaFríða Aðalgeirsdóttir 1976-
14.8.2017Bait selection study of the invasive European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in Newfoundland, CanadaButt, Mary Alliston, 1993-
9.8.2017A Bayesian approach to ecosystem service trade-off analysis : the case of the Curonian Lagoon in LithuaniaHöfer, Solveig Helga, 1989-
23.6.2010Being global is not just where you do businessMaría Lóa Friðjónsdóttir
28.6.2016Beneath the surface : towards improved management of the scuba diving tourism system in Tofo, MozambiqueKinni, Joonas, 1988-
9.9.2014Benefits and challenges of tourism for village populations in India’s marine protected areas : case studies from the Sundarbans National Park and the Gulf of Mannar Marine National ParkMinocher, Dinyar, 1988-
14.6.2017Best practices for fishing sustainability : fishing gear assessment in the Newfoundland inshore northern cod fisheryRouxel, Yann, 1991-
21.5.2012Biodiesel potential in IcelandBorkowska, Swietlana, 1980-
25.6.2009BioEthanol : fuel of the future?Hilma Eiðsdóttir Bakken
25.6.2009Bioethanol : production of ethanol with anaerobic thermophilc mutant strainsSigríður Helga Sigurðardóttir
18.6.2013Biofuel production from lignocellulosic biomass by thermophilic bacteriaJan Eric Jessen 1988-
1.1.2006BioHydrogen : bioprospecting: thermophilic hydrogen producing anaerobes in Icelandic hot-springsSteinar Rafn Beck Baldursson
18.3.2011Biomass based combined heat and power plant with integrated biomass drying and subsequent pyrolysis : steady-state simulation with multiperiod district heating model and environmental performance in Eropean conditionsHadera, Hubert Waldemar
8.12.2010Bioprocess Design: The GEOGAS Project: Bioremediation of geothermal gases and SCP production with HOX/SOX bacteriaMonit, Michał
1.1.2007Bioprospecting for antimicrobial activity at the hydrothermal vent site in EyjafjörðurArnheiður Eyþórsdóttir
26.8.2014Caged contention : the nature and extent of perceived conflict with salmon aquaculture along the Eastern Shore of Nova ScotiaBoaler, Chelsea Dawn, 1989-
21.6.2011Can sustainable development save the rural coastal community?Brown, Jennifer E., 1982-
26.5.2017Challenges and opportunities of marine spatial planning : a case study of the marine planning partnership in British Columbia, CanadaLucas, Elizabeth Noelle, 1992-
14.6.2021Changes in Icelandic groundfish community structure based on life-history strategiesÓlafur Ármann Sigurðsson 1991-
9.9.2014Characteristics of sandy beaches used by resident shorebirds in TasmaniaBock, Anja, 1981-
14.6.2022Climate change in the Westfjords, Iceland : a local perspective of a global problemBannan, Deirdre Patricia 1990-
20.6.2019Coastal and marine environmental education : a study of community involvement in the Westfjords of Iceland and Southern New ZealandWilke, Maria, 1987-