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16.6.2020 | An assessment of whale watching impacts on the behaviour of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Skjálfandi Bay, Iceland | Vatcher, Hanna, 1993- |
23.5.2011 | Áhrif starfsánægju og búsetuskilyrða á hreyfanleika fólks á Austurlandi | Anna Björk Hjaltadóttir |
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14.8.2017 | Bait selection study of the invasive European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in Newfoundland, Canada | Butt, Mary Alliston, 1993- |
9.8.2017 | A Bayesian approach to ecosystem service trade-off analysis : the case of the Curonian Lagoon in Lithuania | Höfer, Solveig Helga, 1989- |
23.6.2010 | Being global is not just where you do business | María Lóa Friðjónsdóttir |
28.6.2016 | Beneath the surface : towards improved management of the scuba diving tourism system in Tofo, Mozambique | Kinni, Joonas, 1988- |
9.9.2014 | Benefits and challenges of tourism for village populations in India’s marine protected areas : case studies from the Sundarbans National Park and the Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park | Minocher, Dinyar, 1988- |
14.6.2017 | Best practices for fishing sustainability : fishing gear assessment in the Newfoundland inshore northern cod fishery | Rouxel, Yann, 1991- |
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25.6.2009 | BioEthanol : fuel of the future? | Hilma Eiðsdóttir Bakken |
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1.1.2006 | BioHydrogen : bioprospecting: thermophilic hydrogen producing anaerobes in Icelandic hot-springs | Steinar Rafn Beck Baldursson |
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26.5.2017 | Challenges and opportunities of marine spatial planning : a case study of the marine planning partnership in British Columbia, Canada | Lucas, Elizabeth Noelle, 1992- |
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9.9.2014 | Characteristics of sandy beaches used by resident shorebirds in Tasmania | Bock, Anja, 1981- |
14.6.2022 | Climate change in the Westfjords, Iceland : a local perspective of a global problem | Bannan, Deirdre Patricia 1990- |
20.6.2019 | Coastal and marine environmental education : a study of community involvement in the Westfjords of Iceland and Southern New Zealand | Wilke, Maria, 1987- |