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Titlar 104 til 128 af 338
23.5.2011Fall Kaupþings Banka hf. : hefði mátt koma í veg fyrir fall bankans?Steingrímur H. Pétursson
16.6.2020Farming for conservation : how Eiderdown farmers’ practices and perspectives impact breeding Arctic Terns in IcelandMorin, Eliza-Jane, 1994-
16.6.2020Feasibility and challenges of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) post-smolt production in the coastal subarctic FinlandSinisalo, Kalle, 1990-
17.3.2011A feasibility and economic study into the use of micro hydro power applications to generate electricity from the Victoria Capital Regional District’s municipal water facility. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.Boye, Eri Andres
14.12.2016Feasibility of ocean heat extraction in Icelandic coastal waters : case study of ÖnundarfjörðurEskafi, Majid, 1983-
20.7.2009Feasibility of ranching coastal cod in Northwest IcelandJón Eðvald Halldórsson
20.12.2010Feasibility study of binary geothermal power plants in Eastern Slovakia : analysis of ORC and Kalina power plantsKopunicova, Martina
21.12.2010Feasibility study of CHiP plants in the European Union using pure plant oilsKrzyzaniak, Michal
21.3.2011Feasibility study of geothermal utilization of remoteness areas : design and optimization of a small standard power plantGonzalez, Emma Baz
10.3.2011A feasibility study of using Biomethane as an alternative fuel for taxis in the Reykjavík capital areaHannes Arnórsson
4.7.2019Ferlagreining í Grænlands- og innanlandsfrakt Icelandair CargoKristín Pétursdóttir 1989-
14.6.2022A Ferry-tale Ending? : a comprehensive evaluation of the sustainability case for restoring ferry services from Reykjavík to ÍsafjörðurRobinson, Douglas, 1990-
28.6.2016The Fiji locally-managed marine area network : structure, strengths and scope for future developmentsBerthold, Sophie, 1985-
28.6.2016Finding the fish : using hydroacoustics to track forage fish off the coast of Central CaliforniaThayne, Michael W., 1983-
25.8.2015A first assessment of sea lice abundance in Arnarfjörður, Iceland : sentinel cage sampling and assessment of hydrodynamic modelling feasibilityKarbowski, Chelsey Mae, 1991-
26.6.2012Fishing for common ground : broadening the definition of 'rights-based' fisheries management in Iceland's WestfjordsAuth, Kathleen Emery, 1985-
14.6.2021Fjarvinna á tímum Covid-19 : hver er upplifun mannauðsstjóra af þeim áhrifum sem aukin fjarvinna vegna Covid-19 hefur haft á vinnustaðinn?Margrét Gísladóttir 1995-
24.5.2011Fjárhagsvandræði og endurskipulagning Eimskips 2008-2009Arnór Gísli Ólafsson
14.11.2022Food sovereignty as well-being in an Alaskan indigenous community : a case study in Igiugig villageWayner, Harmony Jade, 1997-
16.12.2010Formation of lanthanum zirconates in solid oxide electrolysis cells : experimental studiesda Costa Almeida, Pedro Miguel
29.10.2020From coast to forest : development of Icelandic coastal forests, their linkage to aquatic systems and the perspective of locals on themFrank, Kerstin, 1985-
14.6.2022From science to innovation : investigation about a Saline Aquaponics System : production performance and pilot research on the biostimulating properties of solid wastesDurigon, Andrea, 1992-
27.6.2012Frumkvöðlar og sprotafyrirtæki : rannsókn á þörfum þeirra og stoðumhverfiFjóla Björk Karlsdóttir 1981-
6.1.2011Fungi tar degradation : possible application for micro-scale slow pyrolysis rotary kilnBozic, Petra
4.9.2012Föðurland vort hálft er hafiðÞórir Örn Guðmundsson 1952-