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Titlar 134 til 158 af 338
22.6.2010Harnessing tidal energy in the WestfjordsBjarni M. Jónsson
15.3.2011HEP together with wind farm WEP : simulation of energy generation and water level in the reservoirStrak, Karol
14.6.2021Hnúðlax á Íslandi : vágestur eða velkominn? : um stjórnun ágengra tegunda á ÍslandiHjörleifur Finnsson 1969-
14.8.2017How aquaponics can improve aquaculture and help feed a hungry worldFlett, Iona Katrine, 1979-
21.3.2011Hólmsá HEP : recommendations for installed capacity based on simulation of energy generation and reservoir levelÓlafur Jónsson
18.6.2012Hunting reindeer in East Iceland : the economic impactStefán Sigurðsson 1953-
24.5.2011Hvað einkennir klasasamstarf á Austurlandi?Kristbjörg Jónasdóttir
23.6.2010Hvaða leið er hagkvæmust, fyrir þátttöku Íslands, inn í skorkort neytendamála.Sigurður Víðisson
24.5.2011Hvaða stjórnskipulag hentar alþjóðlegu fyrirtæki í örum vexti best?Guðrún Berta Daníelsdóttir
14.6.2021Hver eru áhrif skipulagsbreytingar á fyrirtæki og hver er hvatinn á að fyrirtæki fari af stað í breytingarferli og hvernig er innleiðingu háttað?Ollý Björk Sigríðardóttir 1978-
20.7.2009Hvort er betra fyrir Ísland að taka upp Bandaríkjadal eða evru?Ragnheiður Sigurðardóttir
14.3.2011Hydraulic hammer drilling technology to replace air hammer drilling in deep BHE designThomson, Michael J.
10.3.2011Hydraulic transient model developed and tested for Karahnjukar Hydroelectric Project with possible applications in PolandNarożniak, Adam
8.12.2010Hydrogen Fuel Cell Emergency Power System: Installation and Performance of Plug Power GenCore 5B48 UnitBirek, Lech; Molitorys, Stanisław
24.6.2013Iceland as an oil state : identifying and analyzing the risks and opportunities presented by the Dreki areaMetzger, Daniel J., 1988-
24.5.2011Identifying and dealing with culture and differences in an international business environment.Húni Húnfjörð
14.6.2017Identifying important marine areas for pinnipeds : a comparison of approachesBrandes, Lea Claudia Ruth, 1991-
31.3.2015Impact assessment of invasive flora species in Posidonia oceanica meadows on fish assemblage : an influence on local fisheries? : the case study of Lipsi Island, GreeceBuchet, Victor, 1990-
20.6.2019The impact of Brexit on the marine renewable energy industry in the UKBillarant, Florian, 1993-
14.6.2021Impact of Moored Fish-Aggregating Devices on the redeployment of fishing effort towards large pelagic species : analysis over a 12 year-time series in Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles.Janin, Margaux Léa, 1992-
28.6.2016The impact of tourism on harbour seals and their abundance around IcelandClack, Georgia, 1992-
1.7.2013The impact of visitor disturbance on breeding Eider (Somateria mollissima) populations at Dyrhólaey nature reserve : implications for managementSkene, Afra, 1986-
9.9.2014Impacts of area-based management on the population of northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis (Krøyer, 1838), in Isfjorden and Kongsfjorden, Svalbard.Andersen, Anne Kirstine D., 1987-
6.1.2011Implementation problems with European Union’s energy system regulations in Central East EuropeKrawczyk, Jan
22.3.2011Improved design of hydroelectric projects : hydraulic roughness of TBM-bored tunnels. An experimental study.Filipek, Katarzyna; Kasprzyk, Anna